Creating z/OS® component versions
You can create z/OS component version by running the command from job control language (JCL) or from the z/OS® UNIX™ System Services command line. You can also create z/OS component version by using the z/OS® File Source Config plug-in.
About this task
In an automated system, typically, you write a script that runs the command after a build is created by your build system. The command then creates a component version which can be deployed using a deploy process.
HCL Launch server requires the time zone of the z/OS system to display the artifact modified date accurately. Identify the time zone of the z/OS system and set the TZ environment variable. To know more about the TZ environment variable, refer to the z/OS® documentation.While packaging load modules, System Status Index (SSI) value is converted to epoch time and displayed as Last Modified Date in the component version page. For example, if a load module SSI value is 087ab85c. Converting to decimal format gives the Epoch time as 142260316 which is displayed as July 5, 1974 12:45:16 PM GMT in the component version page. For non-load modules, the command tries to read ZLM4DATE, ZLMTIME and ZLMSEC statistical values from ISPF.
When you create a z/OS component version with an external repository, you will store artifacts in the external repository and store only the metadata of artifacts in Codestation. Hence, when you download the version by using the Download All action on the web application, only the metadata XML file, which is stored in Codestation, is displayed in the packageManifest.xml file.
What to do next
See the HCL Launch website for information about the z/OS® Utility plug-in: Plugins.