
List resources

This command returns a JSONArray representation of all top-level resources, or all children of a specified parent resource.


udclient [global-args...] [global-flags...]
  getResources [parameters]


Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
parent string false Specify the path to a parent resource to show children of that resource, such as /AllAgents/MyAgentGroup. Leave this field blank to show all top-level resources. (Optional)
template string false Name or ID of the resource template (Optional)
blueprintId string false Name or ID of the blueprint (Optional)
application string false Name or ID of the application (Required to look up blueprint by name)
includeInventory boolean false


udclient -username jsmith -password passwd 
  -parent "/JPetStore agents"

Example response

    "id": "5fcc9f43-63eb-40bc-bcd6-3c0b2c124dce",
    "securityResourceId": "67bd54e9-39c5-4f49-b4d6-cf6eee286589",
    "name": "agent1",
    "path": "\/JPetStore agents\/agent1",
    "active": true,
    "description": "",
    "inheritTeam": true,
    "impersonationPassword": "****",
    "impersonationUseSudo": false,
    "impersonationForce": false,
    "type": "agent",
    "status": "ONLINE",
    "hasAgent": true,
    "tags": []
    "id": "1fd3d080-df81-4cd2-aa6d-58ae551fc3213",
    "securityResourceId": "38a18720-abef-4931-9ac0-62d19c06e506",
    "name": "agent2",
    "path": "\/JPetStore agents\/agent2",
    "active": true,
    "description": "",
    "inheritTeam": true,
    "impersonationPassword": "****",
    "impersonationUseSudo": false,
    "impersonationForce": false,
    "type": "agent",
    "status": "OFFLINE",
    "hasAgent": true,
    "tags": []

Related REST command: List resources.