You can change the Java™ keystore passwords for the
agent relay.
About this task
Each agent relay contains two keystores. The agentrelay keystore controls
the JMS connection between the agent relay and the server and agents. The
codestation keystore controls HTTPS connections to the agent relay and is used
with server identity verification. See Enabling server identity verification.
By default, the password for each agent relay Java™ keystore
must be identical to its certificate password. After you change both a keystore password and the
corresponding certificate password, you must update the password in the agent relay properties.
Changing the passwords requires the keytool application, which is included in
the Java™ developer kit and is not part of HCL Launch.
- Stop the agent relay.
Change the agentrelay keystore password for the agent relay.
Open a command-line window, and go to the
/agent-relay-install/conf/jms-relay directory.
By default, the agent-relay-install location is /opt/ibm/agentrelay
on Linux™ and
C:\Program Files\IBM\agentrelay
on Windows™.
Change the agentrelay keystore password by using this command:
keytool -storepasswd -new newpassword -keystore agentrelay.keystore
-storepass changeit
default password for this keystore is
Change the agentrelay certificate by using this command:
keytool -keypasswd -alias agentrelay -keypass changeit -new newpassword -keystore agentrelay.keystore -storepass newpassword
default keystore alias is
agentrelay, and its value is shown in the
property in the
agent-relay-install/conf/ file.
In a text editor, open the
agent-relay-install/conf/ file.
Specify the new Java™ keystore password for the agent
relay in the following line of code:
Note: For best results, make the Java™ keystore password and
certificate password identical. If the passwords cannot be identical, add the
property to a new line in
the agent-relay-install/conf/
Change the codestation keystore password for the agent relay.
Open a command-line window, and go to the
/agent-relay-install/conf directory.
By default, the agent-relay-install location is /opt/ibm/agentrelay
on Linux™ and
C:\Program Files\IBM\agentrelay
on Windows™.
Change the codestation keystore password by using this command:
keytool -storepasswd -new newpassword -keystore codestation.keystore
-storepass changeit
default password for this keystore is
Change the codestation certificate password by using this command:
keytool -keypasswd -alias agentrelay -keypass changeit -new newpassword -keystore codestation.keystore -storepass newpassword
default keystore alias is
agentrelay, and its value is shown in the
property in the
agent-relay-install/conf/ file.
In a text editor, open the
agent-relay-install/conf/ file.
Specify the new Java™ keystore password for the agent
relay in the following line of code:
- Start the agent relay.
The agent relay keystore passwords are changed and are obfuscated in the