Specifying fonts

About this task

If you are running Solaris in an environment where no X Font Server is running, the default font used by DevOps Code ClearCase® GUIs may not be to your liking. To specify a different font, use one of the following methods (listed in decreasing order of preference):


  • Specify the font when you invoke the application on the command line:

    % xclearcase –font value

  • Add a line such as the following to your .Xdefaults file (or any other mechanism that loads the font value into the Xserver resource database):
    xclearcase*font:   -misc-fixed-medium-*-*--15-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
  • Specify the font as an environment variable.

    For example, in the C shell:

    % setenv font value

    In the Korn shell, enter:

    $ export font= "family:lucida sans-face:sans-size:12-encoding:iso88591-foundry:b&h"