Forcing checkin success before committing associations

The CQCC_POSTCHECKIN_COMMIT configuration parameter enables the integration on checkin to delay committing associations in the Rational® ClearQuest® user database until after the DevOps Code ClearCase® checkin operation completes. This delay avoids problems caused if the checkin fails. Because the integration relies on a preoperation checkin trigger, it makes database changes to both the DevOps Code ClearCase VOB and Rational ClearQuest user database before the checkin succeeds. If the checkin fails and the developer cancels the checkout, the Rational ClearQuest user database retains references to the checkin that never completed. Also, checking in identical files without the -identical option does not succeed. If the failed files are later checked out, the associations committed with the previous unsuccessful operation are incorrect. Using this configuration parameter avoids this problem. For example:


By default, only the preoperation trigger fires on checkin. With this option enabled (set to TRUE), the preoperation trigger is used to decide associations and a second postoperation trigger fires to make the actual database changes. Using this option can also require an extra Rational ClearQuest login on the postoperation trigger. The extra operations take more time because of the additional Rational ClearQuest login but keeps a more accurate database.

Important: You can use the CQCC_ASSOC_BATCH_ENABLE environment variable to help minimize the cost of the extra operations. However, batch operations can be delayed under certain conditions.