A branch can have default or explicit mastership. You can
use the chmaster –default command
to return mastership of a branch to the replica that masters the branch
About this task
As described in Default and explicit branch mastership, a branch can have default or explicit
mastership. After you follow the steps in Transferring mastership of a branch, the branch
has explicit mastership. When you transfer mastership of a branch type to another replica,
mastership is transferred for all branches with default mastership, but not for branches with
explicit mastership.
- At the replica that masters the branch, enter a chmaster –default command:
RAMOHALLI> multitool chmaster –default Makefile@@\main
Changed mastership of branch "Makefile@@\main" to "default"
- Determine which replica masters the branch type:
RAMOHALLI> multitool describe –fmt "%n\t%[master]p\n" brtype:main
main boston_hub@\dev
If your current replica masters the branch type, stop
here. If another replica masters the branch type, continue with the
subsequent steps.
- Export an update packet to the replica that masters the
branch type:
RAMOHALLI> multitool syncreplica –export –fship boston_hub@\dev
Generating synchronization packet C:\Program
- shipping order file is
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet
- At the replica that masters the branch type, import the
MINUTEMAN% multitool syncreplica –import –receive
Applied sync. packet
-Dec- to VOB /net/minuteman/vobstg/dev.vbs
- At the replica that masters the branch type, verify that
the branch has default mastership:
MINUTEMAN% multitool describe Makefile@@/main
branch "Makefile@@/main"
created 27-Aug-00.13:41:21 by Gail Smith (gail.user@boston20)
branch type: main
master replica: boston_hub@/vobs/dev (defaulted)
The other form of the
chmaster –default command
applies to branches that are explicitly mastered by the replica that
masters the branch type. To give these branches default mastership,
enter a
chmaster –default command
and specify the branch type:
MINUTEMAN% multitool chmaster –default brtype:main
Changed mastership of branch type "main" to "default"