Packet is not applicable to any local replicas
A synchronization import can fail when a replica has been moved and the host-name property has not been updated with the chreplica command.
You should receive a message like
multitool: Error: Sync. packet pathname is not applicable to any local VOB replicas.
To verify that the host-name property of a VOB replica is wrong, enter the following command:
cleartool describe –fmt "%[replica_host]p\n"
For example:
cleartool describe –fmt "%[replica_host]p\n" replica:newyork@/vobs/tests
If the host name is incorrect, use the chreplica command
to change it. At the master replica of the importing replica, enter a chreplica command:
multitool chreplica –c "comment" –host new-host
For example:
multitool chreplica –c "change host name" –host brooklyn
Updated replica information for "newyork".
Send an update packet to the other replicas in the family.