Using the database wizard

Use the database wizard to create databases for the HCL Connections applications that you plan to install.

Before you begin

Before using the wizard for the first time, you must complete the steps described in the Preparing the database wizard topic.

When you are creating a database either with the database wizard or SQL scripts, you must log into the system where the database is hosted with the database administrator account. The default values for DB2® are db2admin on Microsoft Windows, and db2inst1 on Linux and AIX®. For Oracle, the default value on AIX® and Linux is oracle, and system administrator on Windows. For SQL Server, the default value is the system administrator.

Oracle and SQL Server connect to HCL Connections databases with the user accounts that are configured during database creation. The passwords of those user accounts are defined later in this task.

(Oracle only) Ensure that the Statement cache size for the data sources on WebSphere Application Server is no larger than 50. A higher value could lead to Out Of Memory errors on the application server instance.

  • Before removing (or dropping) a database, stop Connections first to ensure that no database connection is in use; otherwise you will not drop the user and the database removal will not occur.
  • If you run dbWizard.bat but the database wizard does not launch, check whether you have 32-bit DB2 installed. You need to have 64-bit DB2 on a 64-bit system.

DB2® uses a user account called lcuser. If you are creating a DB2® database with SQL scripts, you must manually create the lcuser account on your operating system and then run the appGrants.sql script to grant the appropriate privileges to the lcuser account. When you use the database wizard, this script runs automatically. For more information, see the Creating a dedicated DB2® user topic.

  • If you are using Linux on IBM® System z® with the DASD driver, the SQL scripts are located in the connections.s390.sql/application_subdirectory directory of the HCL Connections setup directory or installation media.
  • If you are using Linux on IBM® System z® with the SCSI driver, back up the connections.s390.sql directory and rename the connections.sql directory to connections.s390.sql.
  • (AIX® only) Download and install the following packages from the AIX® Toolbox for Linux Applications webpage:

    gtk2-2.10.6, pango-1.14.5, fontconfig-2.4.2, pkg-config-0.19, libjpeg-6b, freetype2-2.3.9, expat-2.0.1, zlib-1.2.3, xft-2.1.6, xcursor-1.1.7, glib-1.2.10, glib2-2.12.4, atk-1.12.3, gettext-0.10.40, libpng-1.2.32, and libtiff-3.8.2

    Note: Some of these packages have dependencies on other packages. The AIX® package installer alerts you to any additional packages that might be required.

About this task

Use the HCL Connections database wizard to create, update, and remove databases.

You can review the scripts that the wizard executes by looking in the connections.sql directory in the installation media. On DB2®, the commands are shown in the log that the wizard creates. On Oracle and SQL Server, the log shows the results of the commands.

To create databases with the wizard, complete the following steps:


  1. (DB2® on Windows OS.) You must perform DB2® administration tasks with full administrator privileges.
    1. Logged in as the instance owner, open a command prompt and change to the DB2® bin directory. For example: C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN.
    2. Enter the following command: db2cwadmin.bat. This command opens the DB2® command line processor while also setting your DB2® privileges.
  2. From the HCL Connections Wizards directory, open the following file to launch the wizard:
    • AIX®: ./
    • Linux: ./
    • Microsoft Windows: dbWizard.bat
  3. Click Next to continue.
  4. Select the option to Create a database and click Next.
  5. Enter the details of the database you wish to create and then click Next:
    1. Select a database type.
    2. Select the location of the database.
    3. Specify a database instance.
  6. Select an application and click Next.
    • If you are creating databases in this task, only applications that have not already been installed to a database instance are available. If you are updating databases, you can only choose applications that are already installed.
    • The News and Search databases are contained in the Home page database.
    • Connections Content Manager requires two databases: Global Configuration Database and Object Store.
  7. (Oracle and SQL Server databases only) Enter the password for the databases and then click Next. Choose one of the following options:
    • Use the same password for all applications. Enter the password in the Password and Confirm password fields.
    • Create different passwords for each application. Enter a different password for each application database, and confirm the password in the confirm field.
  8. (SQL Server only) Specify the location of the database file and then click Next.
    • Use the same database file location for all applications. Enter the location of the database or click Browse to choose a location.
    • Use different database file locations for each application. For each application, enter the location of the database file or click Browse to choose a location.
  9. Review the Pre Configuration Task Summary to ensure that the values you entered on previous pages in the wizard are correct. If you want to make a change, click Back to edit the value. Click Create to begin creating databases.
    Note: Click Show detailed database commands to preview each SQL command before it is executed by the wizard. If you choose to save the commands, you must have write-access to the folder you choose to save them in.
  10. Review the Post Configuration Task Summary panel and, if necessary, click View Log to open the log file. Click Finish to exit the wizard.

What to do next

(DB2® for Linux on System z® only.) To improve database performance, enable the NO FILE SYSTEM CACHING option. For more information, see the Enabling NO FILE SYSTEM CACHING for DB2 on System z topic.