Configuring Libraries automatically
You can configure Libraries automatically using the ccmDomain tool to create a P8 domain, GCD, Object Store, and AddOns.
Before you begin
Note: If you encounter
a Transaction is ended due to timeout message, you
can modify the transaction time as follows:
- From the WebSphere® Application Server Integrated Solutions Console, click server1 stands for the server running the FileNet application. , where
- Click the Configuration tab, and set the Maximum transaction timeout parameter value to at least 600 (seconds).
- Click Apply and then click Save. Note: After you create the object store, make sure to change the value back to the default.
Note: Make sure the CCM shared file system is readable/writeable
before running the tool.
Attention: Apply the latest
maintenance updates for HCL Connections
and FileNet before proceeding
with domain and object store creation. Refer to this strategy document for information on applying
maintenance updates to Connections.
- To create a P8 domain and Global Configuration Data (GCD),
perform the following steps:
- To create an Object Store and AddOns, perform the following
- Be sure to restart the FileNet Engine application from the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console.
Note: If you fail when running the scripts, to fix the problem,
drop the GCD (FNGCD) and ObjectsStore (FNOS) databases and clean out anything that is under CCM
shared file system (<shared content store>/ccm), and under
<WAS_installation_directory>/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/FileNet/. Then
rerun the scripts. For examples of possible causes for script failure, see Troubleshooting the
ccmDomain tool. Also, see Recreating the
FileNet domain and object store if you encounter a problem in the initial domain or object
store configuration.