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HCL Connections Documentation
Administering Connections 6.5 CR1
6.5 CR1 verwenden
Integrating with other products
Administering Connections 6.5 CR1
Welcome to the HCL Connections documentation site. HCL Connections is social networking software designed for the workplace. Its features help you to establish dynamic networks that connect you to the people and information you need to achieve your business goals.
To install
HCL Connections™
, you need to follow a detailed series of procedures.
Administering Connections 6.5 CR1
Welcome to the HCL Connections documentation site. HCL Connections is social networking software designed for the workplace. Its features help you to establish dynamic networks that connect you to the people and information you need to achieve your business goals.
What's new in HCL Connections
Find out about features that are new or updated in this release of HCL Connections.
Product overview
Learn how to deploy, customize, and administer the HCL Connections social networking product.
Before installing
HCL Connections™
, study the system requirements, deployment options, and documentation conventions.
To install
HCL Connections™
, you need to follow a detailed series of procedures.
The installation process
Review the steps that are required to install HCL Connections.
Pre-installation tasks
Complete the following tasks before installing HCL Connections. If you are migrating from a prior release of HCL Connections, do not complete the tasks for creating databases or populating the Profiles database. The migration process handles those tasks automatically.
Installing HCL Connections
Select the HCL Connections applications that you plan to use and install them in a clustered deployment.
Post-installation tasks
After installation, you need to perform further tasks to ensure an efficient deployment.
Optional: Installing and configuring
Tiny Editors for HCL Connections
The Tiny editors are alternative rich-text editors which can be installed for
HCL Connections™
. They provide additional features and extensive customization options not available with the default editor.
Copying Search conversion tools to local nodes for AIX and Linux
To enable full indexing of data, copy the Search conversion tools to local nodes.
Copying Search conversion tools to local nodes for Windows
To enable full indexing of data, copy the Search conversion tools to local nodes.
Optional post-installation tasks
Complete the post-installation tasks that are relevant to your deployment.
Uninstalling HCL Connections
Uninstall HCL Connections.
Migrating and updating
HCL Connections™
and its supporting software to the latest release and then update the installation with the latest deployment, interim fixes, or Cumulative Refresh (CR).
Run administration and maintenance tasks to keep your environment up-to-date. For example, learn how to customize your deployment or how to use the wsadmin utility to edit configuration files. You can also schedule tasks, maintain application databases, moderate content, or manage users and their roles.
HCL Connections™
to fit your environment.
HCL Connections™
provides a flexible security infrastructure that supports an open, easily shareable data model.
See the
HCL Connections™
documentation for
Cloud and
Get information about how to use the APIs provided with
HCL Connections™
and how to use
Customizer to modify the
pages that are returned to users.
Troubleshooting and support
To isolate and resolve problems with your HCL products, you can use the troubleshooting and support information. This information contains instructions for using the problem-determination resources that are provided with your IBM® products, including
HCL Connections™
To install
HCL Connections™
, you need to follow a detailed series of procedures.
The installation process
Review the steps that are required to install HCL Connections.
Pre-installation tasks
Complete the following tasks before installing HCL Connections. If you are migrating from a prior release of HCL Connections, do not complete the tasks for creating databases or populating the Profiles database. The migration process handles those tasks automatically.
Installing HCL Connections
Select the HCL Connections applications that you plan to use and install them in a clustered deployment.
Post-installation tasks
After installation, you need to perform further tasks to ensure an efficient deployment.
Optional: Installing and configuring Tiny Editors for HCL Connections
The Tiny editors are alternative rich-text editors which can be installed for
HCL Connections™
. They provide additional features and extensive customization options not available with the default editor.
Copying Search conversion tools to local nodes for AIX and Linux
To enable full indexing of data, copy the Search conversion tools to local nodes.
Copying Search conversion tools to local nodes for Windows
To enable full indexing of data, copy the Search conversion tools to local nodes.
Optional post-installation tasks
Complete the post-installation tasks that are relevant to your deployment.