Managing file versions
View and retrieve earlier versions of a file.
About this task
When you initially upload a file you create a first version. When you or someone else edits the file so that the server copy is different from the local copy, a new version is created. All previous versions are maintained. Versions can be deleted.
To view versions, right-click a file and select HCL Connections then click the Versions tab. You can see information including the version number, when it was updated, and the person who made the updates. You can restore a previous version to make it the latest version. A new version is generated if you restore a file from an older version. Removing and restoring versions are only available as options if you have "editor" version permission for a file.
- To permanently remove a version, select the version that is not the current version and click the minus button.
- To make a past version the current version, select a past version and click the gear button to access the action menu. Choose Restore from the menu to make that version the current version.
- To open a version in an editor, click a version that is not the current version and click the gear button to access the action menu. Choose Download this version.
- If you edit a previous version and save the file, you are prompted to overwrite the most recent version of the file, merge your changes, or rename the file and save it as a new file.