Log locations for Cognos® components
While troubleshooting HCL Cognos® Business Intelligence components, you might need to review the logs generated by each server. You can locate the logs for each component below the component’s installation directory.
Location of log files
Table 1 provides the log location for each server component deployed with Cognos® Business Intelligence.
Log | Location |
Cognos® BI Server |
Installation logs folder: Cognos_BI_install_path/instlog
Setup log: /CognosSetup/cognos-setup.log
Configuration log: /CognosSetup/cognos-configure.log
System log: Cognos_BI_install_path/logs/cogserver.log
Cognos® Transformer |
Installation logs folder:
Setup log: /CognosSetup/cognos-setup.log
Configuration log: /CognosSetup/cognos-configure.log
System log:
Cognos® PowerCube build log |
Build log:
Also on Windows™: My_Documents\Transformer\Logs\*.log For example: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Transformer\Logs\*.log |
IBM® WebSphere® Application Server |
System log:
addNode log: