Analyzing results from the search serverStatus page

TheHCL Connections Search Engine provides the search serverStatus web page that you can use to troubleshoot search issues.

Accessing the search serverStatus page

To access the search serverStatus page, your user ID must be added to the search-admin role for the Search service. To add this role, take the following steps:
  • Log in to the WebSphere administration console.
  • Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
  • Click Search > Security role to user/group mapping.
  • Click search-admin > Map Users.
  • Search for the user you want to add to the role and click OK.
To access the search serverStatus page, browse to the following URL:
Note: The Search application uses the search-admin role to read public and private data for creating search indexes. Create a new user account solely for the search-admin role for the Search application.
The search serverStatus page highlights any configuration issues along with an analysis of the latest search logs for the node.
Note: The primary function of search serverStatus page is to help debug issues on a system. The page is not a system monitoring tool.
There are four status colors on the search serverStatus page
  • Fields that are highlighted in blue indicate the message that is returned is informational and no action is required.
  • Fields that are highlighted in green indicate that the value returned is configured correctly.
  • Fields that are highlighted in yellow indicate a warning. You should review these fields.
  • Fields that are highlighted in red indicates an issue. You should rectify these issues.
There are five tabs on the search serverStatus page you can use to help you troubleshoot issues: