Using the Profiles population wizard in silent mode
You can run the Profiles population wizard in silent mode to populate the Profiles database.
Before you begin
When you run the Profiles population wizard in silent mode, it creates the file, located in the Wizards\TDIPopulation\platform\TDI directory, and updates this file with data from the file.
If you need to configure multiple systems with Profiles data, you can run the wizard in silent mode.
You can also modify the mappings files manually. For more information, see the Mapping fields manually topic.
(AIX® only) If you are downloading the wizard, the TAR program available by default with AIX® does not handle path lengths longer than 100 characters. To overcome this restriction, use the GNU file archiving program instead. This program is an open source package that IBM® distributes through the AIX® Toolbox for Linux™ Applications at the IBM® AIX® Toolbox web site. Download and install the GNU-compatible TAR package. You do not need to install the RPM Package Manager because it is provided with AIX®.
After you have installed the GNU-compatible TAR program, change to the directory where you downloaded the HCL Connections TAR file, and enter the following command to extract the files from it:
gtar -xvf HCL_Connections_6.5_wizards_lin_aix.tar
This command creates a directory named after the wizard.
About this task
To run the Profiles population wizard in silent mode, complete the following steps:
- Log in to your database server as the root user or system administrator.
(AIX® and Linux™ only) Grant display authority to all
users by running the following commands under the root user or system
administrator: xhost +Note: If granting display authority to all users is a security concern for you, change the command to grant display authority to a specific user or users. For more information about this command, consult your AIX® or Linux™ administrator guide.
- Ensure that the Profiles population wizard has created the response file in the TDIPopulation directory.
- Open a command prompt, change to the TDIPopulation directory,
and enter the following commands to launch the wizard in silent mode:
- AIX/Linux:
./ -silent response_file
[ -mappingFile mapping_file]
[ -dbPassword db_password]
[ -ldapPassword ldap_password]
[ -sslPassword ssl_password]
[ -help | -? | /help | /? | -usage]
- Windows®:
populationWizard.bat -silent response_file
[ -mappingFile mapping_file]
[ -dbPassword db_password]
[ -ldapPassword ldap_password]
[ -sslPassword ssl_password]
[ -help | -? | /help | /? | -usage]
where response_file is the full path to the response file, mapping_file is the full path to the file, dbPassword is the password for the Profiles database, ldapPassword is the password for bind user in the LDAP directory, and sslPassword is the password for the SSL key store.
Note:If you do not specify a mapping file, the default mapping file for your LDAP directory type is used. These mapping files are located in the Wizards/TDIPopulation directory, where you can edit the file for your LDAP directory type. For more information about editing the mapping file, see the Mapping fields manually topic. The following table lists the mappings files for applicable LDAP directory types:Table 1. Options to specify a supported LDAP directory Directory type Mapping file IBM® Domino® IBM® Tivoli® Directory Integrator Microsoft® Active Directory Application Mode Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 Active Directory Novell Directory Services Sun ONE The parameters for running the population wizard in silent mode are described in the following table:Table 2. Command parameters Parameter Value Description responseFile (required) full path to the response file After running the population wizard successfully, the response file is stored in the Wizards\TDIPopulation directory in the HCL Connections set-up directory. mappingFile (optional) full path to the file The file is stored in the Wizards\TDIPopulation directory in the HCL Connections set-up directory. If you do not specify a different file with the -mappingFile parameter, the wizard uses this file to map properties to the LDAP directory. dbPassword (optional) Database password Overwrites the database password in the response file. If you do not specify the database password here, you must specify it in the response file. ldapPassword (optional) LDAP password Overwrites the LDAP password in the response file. If you do not specify the LDAP password here, you must specify it in the response file. sslPassword (optional) SSL key store password Overwrites the SSL key store password in the response file. If you do not specify the SSL password here, you must specify it in the response file. - AIX/Linux: