Using the database wizard for SQL Server
Use the database wizard to create databases for the HCL Connections applications that you plan to install.
Before you begin
When you are creating a database either with the database wizard or SQL scripts, you must log into the system where the database is hosted with the database administrator account. For SQL Server, the default value is the system administrator.
SQL Server connects to HCL Connections databases with the user accounts that are configured during database creation. The passwords of those user accounts are defined later in this task.
About this task
You can review the scripts that the wizard executes by looking in the \HCL_Connections_Install\HCLConnections\native\\connections.sql directory in the installation media. On SQL Server, the log shows the results of the commands.
To create databases with the wizard, complete the following steps:
- From the HCL Connections Wizards directory, open the following file to launch the wizard: dbWizard.bat
- Click Next to continue.
- Select the option to Create a database and click Next.
- Enter the details of the database you wish to create and
then click Next:
- Select an application and click Next.
- If you are creating databases in this task, only applications that have not already been installed to a database instance are available. If you are updating databases, you can only choose applications that are already installed.
- The News and Search databases are contained in the Home page database.
- Enter
the password for the databases and then click Next.
Choose one of the following options:
- Use the same password for all applications. Enter the password in the Password and Confirm password fields.
- Create different passwords for each application. Enter a different password for each application database, and confirm the password in the confirm field.
- Specify the location of the database
file and then click Next.
- Use the same database file location for all applications. Enter the location of the database or click Browse to choose a location.
- Use different database file locations for each application. For each application, enter the location of the database file or click Browse to choose a location.
- Review the Pre Configuration Task Summary to
ensure that the values you entered on previous pages in the wizard
are correct. If you want to make a change, click Back to
edit the value. Click Create to begin creating
The Show detailed database commands is enabled by default. It previews each SQL command before it is executed by the wizard. If you choose to save the commands, you must have write-access to the folder you choose to save them in.
- Click Next to see all the database scripts that are ready to be executed.
- Click Save As to save the commands.
- To run the commands listed, click Execute.
Review the Post Configuration Task Summary panel and, if necessary, click
View Log to open the log file. Click Finish to exit
the wizard.