Managing moderated blog entries and comments

Centrally manage blog entries and comments for a moderated blog before the content is published to a blog, or when the published content is updated.

About this task

If moderation is enabled for Blogs, moderators can review and approve comments and entries from a central location. You can configure who can review and approve content through the Java EE global-moderator role in the WAS admin console. All users assigned the J2EE global-moderator role can manage entries and comments for all blogs on the site. You can also configure who can review and approve community blog content with a setting in the contentreview-config.xml file as follows:
  • If ownerModerate=true in contentreview-config.xml, all community owners can moderate the blogs in communities that they own.
  • If ownerModerate=false in contentreview-config.xml, only users assigned the Java EE global-moderator role can manage entries and comments for all blogs on the site.


  1. From the Blogs home page, click the Moderation tab.
  2. Click the Entry Approval or the Comment Approval link in the navigation pane to review entries or comments.
    The following tabbed views let you review and manage content:
    • All displays all entries or comments for the site.
    • Require Approval display entries or comments awaiting your action.
    • Published displays all entries or comments published to a blog.
    • Rejected displays all entries or comments not approved for publishing to a blog.
  3. To filter the list of entries or comments in any of the views, do one of the following and then press Filter.
    • Enter a tag and click the search icon to search for contents associated with that tag.
    • Enter a start and end date to display content entered in that range.
  4. From the Require Approval tab, select one or more item and choose an action:
    • Publish makes the content available in the blog.
    • Reject moves the content to the Rejected state. The blog owner or the author of the entry or comment can edit the content and resubmit for approval.
    • Delete permanently removes the content from the blog.