Long description for the onboarding a new hire image
The image is a screenshot of a mock activity. The callout for the title and activity goal suggests making "the activity easier to find by naming it after your new hire and having them set a priority level." The rest of the activity is broken into three sections: checklist, forms and resources, and questions. The checklist and questions sections are expanded to show a mock conversation about setting up the phone and where to go for repairs. The callout for the checklist section states, "List tasks as to-do items so they can be assigned a due date and crossed out when completed." One of the items is checked off with a line going through it. Another callout points to the section titles, reminding you to "group similar content into sections." The last callout refers to the expanded region under Questions, where responses are staggered based on type. The callout reads, "Use entries to ask questions and comments to post answers."