Post-migration step for status updates
If you changed the maximum length of status updates in your IBM® Connections 3.0.1 deployment, update the 4.0 news-config.xml file to maintain this setting.
Maximum length of status updates
In IBM® Connections 4.0, the property that specifies the maximum length of status updates has been moved from the profiles-config.xml file to the news-config.xml file. The default value of the property in IBM® Connections 3.0.1 is 1000.
If you edited the property in the profiles-config.xml file in IBM® Connections 3.0.1 deployment, you must update the value of the microblogEntryMaxChar property in the news-config.xml file. For information about how to edit this property, see the topic Specifying the maximum size for microblogs.
If you did not edit the default maximum length for status updates in IBM® Connections 3, this post-migration step is not required.
J2EE mapping for profile policies
The access control checks for Profiles policies for the board and status updates features are now handled by the News application. If you used the person_and_self and person_not_self access level for these policies in IBM® Connections 3.0.1, you must map the same users to the person J2EE role in the News application in IBM® Connections 4.5. For more information, see the Assigning people to J2EE roles topic.