Adding tags to Wikis

Add tags to wikis and wiki pages to make them easier to find.

About this task

Tags are keywords that you assign to wikis and wiki pages that make them easier to find.

To add or remove tags in a wiki, you must have Owner access. To add or remove tags in a wiki page, you must have Editor or Owner access.


Complete any of the following steps:

To add tags to a wiki

  1. Open the wiki.
  2. Click Wiki Actions > Edit Wiki.
  3. Enter tags in the Tags field. Separate multiple tags with spaces.
  4. Click Save.
Note: In a list of wikis, click More to display the Add or remove tags option.

To remove tags from a wiki

  1. Open the wiki.
  2. Click Wiki Actions > Edit Wiki.
  3. In the Tags field, delete any unwanted tags.
  4. Click Save.
Note: In a list of wikis, click More to display the Add or remove tags option.

To add tags to a page

  1. Open the page.
  2. Click Add tags or Add or remove tags.
  3. Enter tags in the Tags field. Separate multiple tags with spaces.

To remove tags from a page

  1. Open the page.
  2. Click Add or remove tags.
  3. Click the x next to a tag to remove it.

To find public wikis by using a tag

  1. Click Public Wikis.
  2. Expand the Public Tags section.
  3. Click a tag in the list. Alternatively, click Find a tag and then type the tag into the field. When it is displayed, click the target tag to show wikis that contain that tag.

To find your wikis by using a tag

  1. Click I'm an Owner, I'm an Editor, or I'm a Reader.
  2. Expand the Tags section.
  3. Click a tag in the list. Alternatively, click Find a tag and then type the tag into the field. Click the Search icon to show wikis that contain that tag.

To find pages by using a tag

  1. Open a wiki.
  2. Expand the Tags section.
  3. Click a tag in the list. Alternatively, click Find a tag and then type the tag into the field. When it is displayed, click the target tag to show wikis that contain that tag.

To search for wikis or pages by using tags

Perform a search on a tag.

To narrow search results by using a tag

Perform a search and then expand the Tags section. Click a tag to return search results that contain that tag.

Note: By default, you can specify up to three tags to filter the display of wikis in a list view.

If you already entered three tags, each additional tag that you enter overwrites one of the three previous tags. However, the Wikis administrator can specify that more than three tags be allowed for this type of filtering.

For example, in the Shared with Me view, click Find a tag in the Public Tags section and select Tag A from the tag cloud to display a list of all available wikis that contain Tag A. Type Tag B in the tag field to display a list of wikis that contain both Tag A and Tag B. Type Tag C in the tag field to display a list of wikis that contain Tag A, Tag B, and Tag C. Separate each tag with a space or a comma.