Emailing your community

Email fellow community members to give them community news. You must be a member of a community to mail members of that community.

Before you begin

To reduce email spam, the community owner might remove access to email for community members. If email is unavailable, the Mail Community option is not displayed, in this case you could ask a community owner to email the community on your behalf.

Depending on the email privileges set by the community owner, you can email either the entire community or community owners only.

About this task

The community owner configures the Mail Community option so that you can send email to other community members or to community owners only. However, if you can send email to the community, there is no limit on the number of people that you can email.

Note: If you send email to the entire community, members who are added through groups do not receive the email. Mail Community does not work with groups.


  1. From the community's Overview page, select Community Actions > Mail Community.
    Note: You must be logged in to Communities to access the Community Actions menu.
  2. Do one of the following actions.
    • To send the notification by using your default email client, click Click to compose using your default email client.
    • To use the email form provided:
      1. Specify the recipients of the email.
        • To send the message to everyone in the community, select Owners and Members.
        • To send the message to community owners only, select Owners Only.
      2. Enter a title for your message in the Subject field. The title is prefixed by the name of the community by default.
      3. Type the content of your message in the Message field and click Send.