Browsing community forums

Use your community's forums to share ideas with members and discuss topics of common interest.

Before you begin

Anyone who can access a community can access the forums associated with that community. To post a topic or reply to a topic, you must be a community member.

About this task

When the community owner has created forums for the use of the community, members can post discussion topics and respond to existing topics in those forums. The five most recent updates from the forums are displayed in the Forums area on the community's Overview page, where you can view usage statistics for each topic. These statistics are a good indicator of the topics that interest your community, and they can also give you an idea of who the most active participants are.

Note: When you open Forums, the Topics tab shows pinned topics first in the list. However, the pin icons do not display in communities with more than one forum.


To browse the forums in your community, complete the following steps.
  1. From any page in your community, click Forums in the navigation sidebar.
  2. Do one of the following.
    1. To browse by forum, click the Forums tab to display all of the forums in the community. When you see a forum that interests you, click the forum title to open it and start browsing its topics.
    2. To browse by topic, click the Topics tab.
      This tab lists all of the forum topics for the community. The topics are listed by date, with the most recently-created topics first. However, if the community owner has pinned any forum topics, these topics are displayed first, regardless of the date in which they were added or updated.
  3. To open any topic, click the topic title.
    A threaded view of the topic displays, showing the original topic and any responses to it. When navigating long discussion threads, click the name after the response title to display the parent of that topic first in the page. This view makes it easy for you to see which response corresponds to which forum entry.

What to do next

If you want to get notified about updates to a community forum that interests you, open the forum and select Follow > Follow this Forum. You do not have to be a member of a community to follow a community forum.