Examples: Sample code snippets and usage for REST local binding

The entry point for local binding is within the RESTTag. However, it can be further interacted with by reproducing the same parameters and calling the same required methods for a local binding request. The following samples can be used to make both local or remote binding calls with a servletRequest.
  • Example of fetching all required configuration values for local binding:
    The following snippet must be initialized for retrieving the local binding configuration:
     * The configuration file given the current component ID
    private static final ComponentConfiguration CONFIG = ComponentConfigurationRegistry.instance().getComponentConfiguration(COMPONENT_ID);
     * This String will be set with the configuration file's property for Local Binding's enablement.
     * This Array will be set with the configuration file's property for Local Binding's url path prefix.
    public static final String[] LOCAL_BINDING_PROPERTY_NAME_PATH = CONFIG.getValueByConfigGroupingNameAndPropertyName(REST_LOCALBINDING_CONFIGURATION_GROUP_NAME, RestProviderConstants.LOCALBINDING_PATH_PREFIX_PROPERTY_NAME).split(",");
     * This String will be set with the request's url path prefix.
    public static String localBindingPathPrefix = null;
  • Example of determining whether context path is used for local binding:
    The path prefix check is required to determine whether the context path in a request is used for local binding:
    boolean pathPrefixFound = false;	
        URL aURL = new URL(h.getUrl());
        for (String paths : LOCAL_BINDING_PROPERTY_NAME_PATH) {
            if (aURL.getPath().startsWith(paths)) {
                pathPrefixFound = true; 
                localBindingPathPrefix = paths;
  • Example of calling RESTHandler.executeLocal with request, response, and params map. The params map is optional and an empty map is used if none is passed. The resultValue is retrieved from the request attribute:
    if (LOCAL_BINDING_ENABLED && pathPrefixFound) {	
        try {
            pageContext.getRequest().setAttribute(RestProviderConstants.LOCALBINDING_PATH_PREFIX_PROPERTY_NAME, localBindingPathPrefix);
            InternalHttpServletRequestWrapper o = h.executeLocal(pageContext.getRequest(), pageContext.getResponse(), params);
            if (o.getAttribute(RestProviderConstants.LOCALBINDING_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE).equals(HTTP_CODE_200)) {
                resultValue = o.getAttribute(RestProviderConstants.LOCAL_BINDING_RESPONSE);
                if (!(resultValue instanceof JSONObject)) {
                    resultValue = new JSONObject(o.getAttribute(RestProviderConstants.LOCAL_BINDING_RESPONSE));
                resultValue = instrumentResult(resultValue, h, metric );
                pageContext.setAttribute(var, resultValue, scope);
                pageContext.setAttribute(headerSig, resultValue, scope);
        }  catch (Exception e) {
            if (entryExitTraceEnabled) {
                LOGGER.exiting(CLASSNAME, METHODNAME, e);
            throw new JspException(e);
  • Example of calling RESTHandler.executeLocal with request and response. No params map is provided so an empty one is created:
    RESTHandler restHandler = new RESTHandler();	
    if (LOCAL_BINDING_ENABLED && pathPrefixFound) {
        pageContext.getRequest().setAttribute(RestProviderConstants.LOCALBINDING_PATH_PREFIX_PROPERTY_NAME, localBindingPathPrefix);
        InternalHttpServletRequestWrapper requestWrapper = restHandler.executeLocal(request, response);
        result = toJSONObject(requestWrapper.getAttribute(RestProviderConstants.LOCAL_BINDING_RESPONSE));
    } else {
        HttpObj httpObj = restHandler.execute();
        result = toJSONObject(httpObj.getResponseAsString());