Troubleshooting: Removing older HCL Commerce Developer delta files to recover storage

When upgrading over time, HCL Commerce Developer stores changes in delta packages, enabling the rollback of upgrades in the event that the upgrade is required to be undone. Over time, these delta files can consume larger amounts of storage, leading to shortages of disk space depending on your storage allotment.


When upgrading over time, HCL Commerce Developer stores changes in delta packages, enabling the rollback of upgrades in the event that the upgrade is required to be undone. Over time, these delta files can consume larger amounts of storage, leading to shortages of disk space depending on your storage allotment.

The upgrade delta directories and files can be located within the WCDE_installdir\UpdateDelta\ directory.


As long as you are confident that you will not need to roll back to an older release, individual delta directories and their contained files can be removed to free up disk space.

It is always recommended to back up these files, or the entire environment, before removing them to free up working storage. Without backups, these files cannot be recovered in the event that they are required for an unforeseen issue.


Disk space on your HCL Commerce development environment is freed up for use. Deltas that are removed can no longer be used to revert your environment to a prior state.