Configuring a Web application

All major aspects of a Web application are configured declaratively by means of Struts configuration files. Action-mappings, global-forwards, message-resources, data-sources, form-beans, global-exceptions, and so forth, are among key elements found in Struts configuration files.

(Refer to the Struts User Guide for the complete list and details.) Of these, HCL Commerce extends the semantics for action-mappings, global-forwards, and message-resources.

HCL Commerce uses multiple Struts configuration files. There can be multiple configuration files defined for each Web module. Each Web module can be tailored to a custom configuration for its purpose:

The Web module that initializes the HCL Commerce application. This Web module also contains commands that will be executed through non-Web channel, such as the scheduler, IBM MQ, and so on.
The Web module for HCL Commerce stores.
The Web module for the HCL Commerce Accelerator, a browser-based component that you can use to operate and maintain HCL Commerce stores.
The Web module for the Organization Administration Console, a browser-based component for administering people, groups, organizations, and associated security elements.
The Web module for the Administration Console, a browser-based component that allows complete administrative operations at the site or store level.