Interface FinancialTransaction

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface FinancialTransaction

    This Interface is a value object container representing a financial transaction.

    A FinancialTransaction container represents all possible types of financial transactions processed by a plug-in. Depending on the actual transaction type, different attributes will be available.

    These are the transaction types supported in this specification:

    Plug-ins are responsible for updating these containers while processing financial transactions. Several attributes are predefined in the FinancialTransaction container. However, the plug-in might also need to add additional information to the FinancialTransaction container by using the associated ExtendedData.

    Response code, reason code, reference number and tracking ID

    The response code is a back-end system specific representation of a financial transaction result. It is typically used by the backend system to indicate if the financial transaction was successful or not. For example, it might indicate that a credit card authorization failed.

    The reason code is a back-end system specific representation of an error condition. It is typically used by the backend system to indicate why a financial transaction failed. For example, it might indicate that a credit card has expired.

    When the response code alone cannot determine what has happened in a financial transaction, the reason code can be used to precisely determine a financial transaction error.

    The response code and the reason code can also be seen as primary and secondary error codes. These codes are back-end system specific and used in problem determination whenever the standard plug-in mechanisms do not suffice.

    The tracking ID is an optional attribute used by the plug-in to identify the financial transaction in the payment back-end system on behalf of the merchant. The tracking ID is set by the plug-in during the processing of financial transactions. The plug-in generates this ID and has to make sure it is unique in the plug-in and in the backend system realm. Although optional, the tracking ID might be the only way to track a financial transaction in the backend system if an error occurs. For example, during a financial transaction, the connection can be lost. And the plug-in wouldn't be able to tell if the backend system actually processed the transaction. The tracking ID would be the mechanism to query the back-end system later on, once connectivity is reestablished. If the tracking ID is known by the backend system it means the transaction has reached the backend system. If it is unknown, the transaction needs to be executed again.

    The reference number is an ID generated by the payment back-end system during the processing of financial transactions. The reference number is usually required by back-end systems to process subsequent (and related) financial transactions. For example, during a deposit transaction the reference number of a previous approve transaction is required. In this case, the reference number is the authorization code returned by the backend system during the approve transaction.

    While the tracking ID is used to identify a financial transaction from the plug-in perspective, the reference number is used to identify a financial transaction from the payment back-end system perspective. The tracking ID is the first identifier of the financial transaction to exist. Once the reference number is obtained from the backend system, the plug-ins might not need the tracking ID anymore since the reference number is known by both parties: the plug-in and the payment back-end system.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static java.lang.String COPYRIGHT
      The IBM copyright notice field.
      static short STATE_CANCELED
      The state for the payment or credit transaction when the transaction has been canceled.
      static short STATE_FAILED
      The state for the payment or credit transaction when the transaction has failed.
      static short STATE_NEW
      The state of the financial transaction to allow the plugin has chance to control the state transition.
      static short STATE_PENDING
      The state for the payment or credit transaction when the transaction has not finished yet.
      static short STATE_SUCCESS
      The state for the payment or credit transaction on a successful execution.
      Indicates the transaction is an approval (authorization).
      Indicates that the transaction is an approval (authorization) and deposit (capture) at the same time.
      static short TRANSACTION_TYPE_CREDIT
      Indicates that the transaction is a credit transaction.
      Indicates the transaction is a deposit (capture).
      Indicates that the transaction is an approval (authorization) reversal.
      Indicates that the transaction is a credit reversal transaction.
      Indicates that the transaction is a deposit (capture) reversal.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      Credit getCredit()
      This method gets the Credit container that is associated with the financial transaction.
      ExtendedData getExtendedData()
      This method gets the extra data associated with the financial transaction.
      java.lang.String getId()
      This method gets the unique identifier of the FinancialTransaction container.
      Payment getPayment()
      This method gets the Payment container that is associated with the financial transaction.
      java.math.BigDecimal getProcessedAmount()
      This method gets the actual processed amount.
      java.lang.String getReasonCode()
      This method gets the reason for a failed financial transaction.
      java.lang.String getReferenceNumber()
      This method gets the reference number of the financial transaction.
      java.math.BigDecimal getRequestedAmount()
      This method gets the amount to be processed in a financial transaction.
      java.lang.String getResponseCode()
      This method gets the back-end system specific result of the financial transaction.
      short getState()
      This method gets the state of the financial transaction.
      java.util.Date getTimeCreated()
      This method gets the time the FinancialTransaction was created.
      java.util.Date getTimeUpdated()
      This method gets the most recent time that the FinancialTransaction was updated.
      java.lang.String getTrackingId()
      This method gets the FinancialTransaction tracking ID.
      short getTransactionType()
      This method gets the type of the FinancialTransaction.
      void setExtendedData(ExtendedData extendedData)
      This method adds extended data to the FinancialTransaction container.
      void setProcessedAmount(java.math.BigDecimal processedAmount)
      This method sets the amount actually processed in the financial transaction.
      void setReasonCode(java.lang.String reasonCode)
      This method sets the reason for a failed transaction.
      void setReferenceNumber(java.lang.String referenceNumber)
      This method sets the reference number of the financial transaction.
      void setResponseCode(java.lang.String responseCode)
      This method sets the back-end system specific result of the financial transaction.
      void setState(short state)
      This method sets the state of the FinancialTransaction.
      void setTrackingId(java.lang.String trackingId)
      This method sets the FinancialTransaction tracking identifier.
      java.lang.String toString()
      This method obtains a human-readable description of the contents of the FinancialTransaction container.
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT
        The IBM copyright notice field.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • STATE_NEW

        static final short STATE_NEW
        The state of the financial transaction to allow the plugin has chance to control the state transition. Just before Plugin Controller passes the current financial transaction to plugins, it set the transaction state to STATE_NEW. If the plugin wants to control the state transition of the transaction, the plugin can set any other valid state: STATE_PENDING, STATE_SUCCESS, STATE_FAILED or STATE_CANCELED.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final short STATE_PENDING
        The state for the payment or credit transaction when the transaction has not finished yet. It might mean that the plug-in implements an offline protocol that requires external intervention to move the payment or credit transaction into another state.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final short STATE_SUCCESS
        The state for the payment or credit transaction on a successful execution.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final short STATE_FAILED
        The state for the payment or credit transaction when the transaction has failed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final short STATE_CANCELED
        The state for the payment or credit transaction when the transaction has been canceled.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final short TRANSACTION_TYPE_APPROVE
        Indicates the transaction is an approval (authorization).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final short TRANSACTION_TYPE_DEPOSIT
        Indicates the transaction is a deposit (capture).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        Indicates that the transaction is an approval (authorization) and deposit (capture) at the same time. Some refer to this as a sale transaction.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final short TRANSACTION_TYPE_CREDIT
        Indicates that the transaction is a credit transaction.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final short TRANSACTION_TYPE_REVERSE_APPROVAL
        Indicates that the transaction is an approval (authorization) reversal.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final short TRANSACTION_TYPE_REVERSE_DEPOSIT
        Indicates that the transaction is a deposit (capture) reversal.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final short TRANSACTION_TYPE_REVERSE_CREDIT
        Indicates that the transaction is a credit reversal transaction.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getCredit

        Credit getCredit()

        This method gets the Credit container that is associated with the financial transaction.

        The Credit container will be present only for transactions of the types TRANSACTION_TYPE_CREDIT and TRANSACTION_TYPE_REVERSE_CREDIT.

        The Credit container associated with this FinancialTransaction.
      • setExtendedData

        void setExtendedData(ExtendedData extendedData)

        This method adds extended data to the FinancialTransaction container.

        The information passed here will be added to the existing extended data associated to the financial transaction. If any mapped value already exists it will be replaced with the new value.

        The plug-in invokes this method when additional information needs to be added to the FinancialTransaction container during the processing of a financial transaction. The information might be required in subsequent financial transactions.

        extendedData - Map of name-value pairs representing extended payment information.
        See Also:
      • getExtendedData

        ExtendedData getExtendedData()

        This method gets the extra data associated with the financial transaction.

        The extended data associated with the financial transaction
        See Also:
      • setReferenceNumber

        void setReferenceNumber(java.lang.String referenceNumber)

        This method sets the reference number of the financial transaction.

        The plug-in needs to invoke this method during the processing of a financial transaction to update the reference number from the payment back-end system. This field is the unique identifier of the financial transaction from the payment back-end system perspective. For more details, please refer to the introduction of this Javadoc.

        referenceNumber - The unique identifier of the financial transaction from the payment backend system perspective.
        See Also:
      • getReferenceNumber

        java.lang.String getReferenceNumber()

        This method gets the reference number of the financial transaction.

        This field is the unique identifier of the financial transaction from the payment back-end system perspective. For more details, please refer to the introduction of this Javadoc.

        The unique identifier of the financial transaction from the Payment back-end system perspective.
        See Also:
      • getId

        java.lang.String getId()

        This method gets the unique identifier of the FinancialTransaction container.

        This ID is guaranteed to be unique by the Payment Plug-in Controller.

        A numeric unique identifier of the FinancialTransaction container
      • setProcessedAmount

        void setProcessedAmount(java.math.BigDecimal processedAmount)

        This method sets the amount actually processed in the financial transaction.

        This is the amount that was actually processed by the back-end system on the FinancialTransaction. This value will typically be the same as the requested amount. Unless the payment protocol used by the backend system supports a different amount to be processed.

        The plug-in is responsible for setting this amount during the processing of a financial transaction. It is set when the amount processed by the backend system is different from the requested amount. If this amount is not set, the Payment Plug-in Controller will assume that the requested amount was completely processed.

        processedAmount - The processed amount.
        See Also:
      • getProcessedAmount

        java.math.BigDecimal getProcessedAmount()

        This method gets the actual processed amount.

        The amount actually processed by the payment back-end system.
        See Also:
      • setReasonCode

        void setReasonCode(java.lang.String reasonCode)

        This method sets the reason for a failed transaction.

        The plug-in needs to invoke this method during the processing of a financial transaction to update the failure reason from the payment back-end system. For more details on this field, please refer to the introduction of this Javadoc.

        reasonCode - The back-end system specific reason for a failed transaction.
        See Also:
      • getReasonCode

        java.lang.String getReasonCode()

        This method gets the reason for a failed financial transaction.

        For more details on this field, please refer to the introduction of this Javadoc.

        The back-end system specific reason for a failed transaction .
        See Also:
      • getRequestedAmount

        java.math.BigDecimal getRequestedAmount()

        This method gets the amount to be processed in a financial transaction.

        This amount represents the amount that the system needs to process for any given transaction. The actual processed amount might be different from the requested amount.

        The amount to be processed in a financial transaction.
        See Also:
        getProcessedAmount()., setProcessedAmount(BigDecimal).
      • setResponseCode

        void setResponseCode(java.lang.String responseCode)

        This method sets the back-end system specific result of the financial transaction.

        The plug-in needs to invoke this method during the processing of financial transactions to update the result coming from the payment back-end system. For more details on this field, please refer to the introduction of this Javadoc.

        responseCode - The back-end system specific result of the financial transaction.
        See Also:
      • getResponseCode

        java.lang.String getResponseCode()

        This method gets the back-end system specific result of the financial transaction.

        The back-end system specific result of the financial transaction.
        See Also:
      • setState

        void setState(short state)
               throws InvalidDataException

        This method sets the state of the FinancialTransaction.

        Valid values are:

        Usually the Payment Plug-in Controller will invoke this method to update a financial transaction during its lifetime. However, if the plug-in needs to force the financial transaction into a different state, the plug-in can call this method directly.

        state - The state of the FinancialTransaction.
        InvalidDataException - If an invalid state is passed in.
        See Also:
      • getTimeCreated

        java.util.Date getTimeCreated()

        This method gets the time the FinancialTransaction was created.

        The Payment Plug-in Controller sets this field when the FinancialTransaction is created.

        The time the FinancialTransaction was created.
      • getTimeUpdated

        java.util.Date getTimeUpdated()

        This method gets the most recent time that the FinancialTransaction was updated.

        The Payment Plug-in Controller updates this field everytime the FinancialTransaction changes.

        The last time the FinancialTransaction was updated.
      • setTrackingId

        void setTrackingId(java.lang.String trackingId)

        This method sets the FinancialTransaction tracking identifier.

        The plug-in needs to invoke this method when processing a financial transaction to update the tracking ID. This field is the unique identifier of the financial transaction from the plug-in perspective. For more details, please refer to the introduction of this Javadoc.

        trackingId - The unique identifier of the financial transaction from the plug-in perspective.
        See Also:
      • getTrackingId

        java.lang.String getTrackingId()

        This method gets the FinancialTransaction tracking ID.

        This field is the unique identifier of the financial transaction from the plug-in perspective. For more details, please refer to the introduction of this Javadoc.

        The unique identifier of the financial transaction from the plug-in perspective.
        See Also:
      • toString

        java.lang.String toString()

        This method obtains a human-readable description of the contents of the FinancialTransaction container.

        toString in class java.lang.Object
        A human-readable representation of the FinancialTransaction container.