Class ErrorDataBean

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT
        IBM Copyright notice field.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ErrorDataBean

        public ErrorDataBean()
        This is the default constructor for this class.
    • Method Detail

      • getCorrectiveActionMessage

        public java.lang.String getCorrectiveActionMessage()
        This method gets the corrective action error message text. The locale of the text is based on the negotiated locale for the user.
        This method returns the correct action message associated with the error.
      • getCorrectiveActionMessage

        public java.lang.String getCorrectiveActionMessage(java.util.Locale loc)
        This method gets the corrective action message in the locale specified.
        loc - This is the locale for the message.
        This method returns the corrective action message.
      • getECCorrectiveActionMessage

        public ECMessage getECCorrectiveActionMessage()
        This method gets the corrective ECMessage object associated with the exception.
        This method returns the corrective action message.
      • getECMessage

        public ECMessage getECMessage()
        This method gets the ECMessage object associated with the exception.
        This method returns the error message.
      • getErrorCode

        public java.lang.String getErrorCode()
        This method gets the error code if one exists.
        This method returns the error code.
      • getCorrelationIdentifier

        public java.lang.String getCorrelationIdentifier()
        This method gets the correlation identifier associated with the error. This identifier is a unique key that identifies the error on the server. This identifier can be used when correlating system error responses returned to the client.
        This method returns a unique identifier of the error.
      • getException

        public java.lang.Throwable getException()
        This method gets the actual exception associated with this error.
        This method returns the underlying exception of the data bean.
      • getExceptionData

        public TypedProperty getExceptionData()
        This method gets the user error message data associated with the exception.
        This method returns the data associated with the exception.
      • getExceptionType

        public java.lang.String getExceptionType()
        This method gets the exception type.
        This method returns the exception type.
      • getMessage

        public java.lang.String getMessage()
        This method gets the user error message text. The locale of the text is based on the negotiated locale for the user.
        This method returns the message of the exception.
      • getMessage

        public java.lang.String getMessage(java.util.Locale loc)
        This method gets the user error message text.
        loc - This is the locale for the message text.
        This method returns the message of the exception in the specified locale.
      • getMessageKey

        public java.lang.String getMessageKey()
        This method gets the exception message key.
        This method returns the message key of the exception.
      • getMessageParam

        public java.lang.Object[] getMessageParam()
        This method gets the error message parameters.
        This method returns the message parameters of the exception message.
      • getOriginatingCommand

        public java.lang.String getOriginatingCommand()
        This method gets the command that originated the exception.
        This method returns the command causing the exception.
      • getStackTrace

        public java.lang.String getStackTrace()
        This method gets the exception stack if there is an exception associated with the error.
        This method returns the stack trace of the exception.
      • getSystemMessage

        public java.lang.String getSystemMessage()
        This method gets the system error message text. The locale of the text is based on the negotiated locale for the user.
        This method returns the system exception message.
      • getSystemMessage

        public java.lang.String getSystemMessage(java.util.Locale loc)
        This method gets the system error message text.
        loc - This is the locale for the message text.
        This method returns the system exception message in the specified locale.
      • hasErrorCode

        public boolean hasErrorCode(java.lang.String code)
        This method gets whether the exception data contains the input error code.
        This method returns the true if there is an error code associated with the exception and false otherwise.
      • populate

        public void populate()
        This method populates the error data bean. The bean properties will be populated from the requestProperties object associated with the bean.
        Specified by:
        populate in interface SmartDataBean
        populate in class SmartDataBeanImpl
      • populate

        public void populate(ECException e)
        This method populates the error data bean with the given exception. The bean properties will be populated from the requestProperties object associated with the bean.
        e - This is the exception with which the bean will be populated.
      • setECCorrectiveActionMessage

        public void setECCorrectiveActionMessage(ECMessage newValue)
        This method sets the corrective action error message.
      • setECMessage

        public void setECMessage(ECMessage newValue)
        This method sets the exception message.
        newValue - This is the exception message.
      • setExceptionType

        public void setExceptionType(java.lang.String newValue)
        This method sets the exception type.
        newValue - This is the exception type.
      • setException

        public void setException(java.lang.Throwable throwable)
        This method sets the exception of the error data bean.
        throwable - This is the exception of the error data bean.
      • setOriginatingCommand

        public void setOriginatingCommand(java.lang.String newValue)
        This method sets the originating command for the error.
        newValue - This is the originating command.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        This method gets a String representation of the object.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        This method returns a String representation of the object.
      • getRootCause

        public java.lang.Throwable getRootCause()
        This method returns the root cause of an exception
        The root cause of the exception