HCL Commerce Version or later

Enabling and disabling persistent session for Next.js store

Enable persistent session and Remember Me features in the Next.js store for a faster login to your store. These features are available on HCL Commerce version and greater.

Before you begin

Make sure you complete the procedure for Enabling global persistent sessions.

About this task

By default, the Remember Me feature is enabled in the Next.js store. If the HCL Commerce Transaction server has the global persistent session disabled, the Remember Me feature needs to be disabled in the store.

To disable Remember Me feature, remove the Remember Me checkbox from the following files:

  • presentation/components/core/content/Login/parts/LoginChangePasswordForm.tsx
  • presentation/components/core/content/Login/parts/LoginForm.tsx
  • presentation/components/core/content/Register/index.tsx


The Remember Me feature is disabled for the Next.js store.