Cache identifiers are based on non confidential information such as store,
language, catalog, category, or product identifiers. These identifiers are typically encrypted in
the URL. If the parameters are encrypted, a cache miss would result due to missing parameters for
the cache ID. Therefore, in order to use these identifiers they must be made visible in
the URL first. Then, a cache hit would result because they are now visible.
Option Description
Local store
To exclude parameters from being encrypted in the URL they must be specified in the
wc-server.xml file as NonEncryptedParameters.
Open the configuration file.
Add the following sample section (you can include more or less parameters as needed) below the
<ProtectedParameters> section in the XML file:
<NonEncryptedParameters display="false">
<Parameter name="storeId"/>
<Parameter name="langId"/>
<Parameter name="catalogId"/>
<Parameter name="categoryId"/>
<Parameter name="productId"/>
Remote store
To exclude parameters from being encrypted in the URL they must be specified in the
crs.ear/xml/config/wc-store.xml file as NonEncryptedParameters.
Open the crs.ear/xml/config/wc-store.xml file.
Modify the default settings. The default setting are shown in the following example:
<NonEncryptedParameters display="false">
<Parameter name="storeId"/>
<Parameter name="langId"/>
<Parameter name="catalogId"/>
<Parameter name="categoryId"/>
<Parameter name="productId"/>
<Parameter name="CIPCurrentOrderPage"/>
<Parameter name="CIPReqListPage"/>
<Parameter name="CIPOrderStatus1Page"/>
<Parameter name="CIPOrderStatus2Page"/>
<Parameter name="CIPOrderStatus3Page"/>
<Parameter name="cm_cr"/>
<Parameter name="cm_mmc"/>
<Parameter name="bvdisplaycode"/>
<Parameter name="bvappcode"/>
<Parameter name="bvproductid"/>
<Parameter name="bvpage"/>
<Parameter name="bvcontenttype"/>
<Parameter name="bvauthenticateuser"/>
Example The following example shows how allowing access to encrypted parameters helps caching:
Cache miss
The encrypted parameters storeId and catalogId are not visible on the URL. If the parameters are
encrypted then a cache miss results due to missing parameters storeId and catalogId for the cache
Cache hit
After setting up the NonEncryptedParameters, the parameters are now visible in the
https://node/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StoreCatalogDisplay?storeId=10051&catalogId=10101 &krypto=ytM2lcQfujt8Gw8jfBKIrWXAAIaYbCyrsz5aYOCvuqX96e3070sapz96PuUyt3b0c5bcMQpwn%2BHN%0D%0AKaP57hGGEFy3X%2B0PDAJRH%2BPS6Khn90gkODzm5P1hv0zNzGEgrlXh2pc0LZhn%2BtDKSH5QkCNLnzVE%0D%0AIGf9hMonFODldvoKbfPk80xaLM1cdA%3D%3D&ddkey=Logon