HCL Commerce is a high-availability, highly scalable and customizable e-commerce platform. Able to support hundreds of thousands of transactions per day, HCL Commerce allows you to do business with consumers (B2C) or directly with businesses (B2B). HCL Commerce uses cloud friendly technology to make deployment and operation both easy and efficient. It provides easy-to-use tools for business users to centrally manage a cross-channel strategy. Business users can create and manage precision marketing campaigns, promotions, catalog, and merchandising across all sales channels. Business users can also use AI enabled content management capabilities.
The following section describes how you can leverage HCL Commerce features and functionality to help your site be compliant with different privacy and security standards.
Some main security standards are: NIST SP 800-131A, FIPS 140-2 and PCI.
HCL Commerce has different advantages for business users, administrators and developers. HCL Commerce targets each of these roles with a tailored set of offerings so that each of your users can get maximum benefit.
Learn how to install and deploy HCL Commerce development environments and HCL Commerce production environments.
Before you migrate to HCL Commerce Version 9.1, review this information to help plan and execute your migration.
Topics in the Operating category highlight tasks that are typically performed by business users, customer support representatives, to complete their day-to-day tasks in the operation of the HCL Commerce site.
Topics in the Integrating category highlight the tasks that are commonly performed for using HCL Commerce in combination with other products.
Topics in the Administering category highlight tasks that are typically performed by the Site Administrator, to support daily operations of the HCL Commerce site.
The topics in the Customizing section describe tasks performed by an application developer to customize HCL Commerce.
HCL Commerce provides many tutorials to help you customize and understand your HCL Commerce instance and stores.
Topics in the Samples category highlight the various samples that are provided with HCL Commerce.
HCL Commerce provides documentation and functions that your organization can use to help it on the journey to GDPR readiness. If your store operates within the European Union (EU), sells products or services to those people in the EU, or monitors the behavior of EU data subjects, your site likely needs to be GDPR compliant from May 25, 2018.
The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS), developed by the founding payment brands of the PCI Security Standards Council, including American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB, MasterCard Worldwide, and Visa International, facilitates the global adoption of consistent data security measures.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publications 800-131A (SP 800-131A) standard offers guidance to migrate to the use of stronger cryptographic keys and more robust algorithms. To ensure that you are fully compliant, refer to the NIST SP 800-131A standard.
Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) are standards and guidelines that are issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for federal government computer systems. Federal Information Processing Standards publication 140-2 (FIPS 140-2) covers the security standards that are required for cryptographic modules. When in FIPS 140-2 mode, HCL Commerce, through IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server, uses the FIPS 140-2 approved cryptographic providers: IBMJCEFIPS (certificate 376) and IBMJSSEFIPS (certificate 409) for cryptography. The certificates are listed on the NIST website at http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp/documents/140-1/140val-all.htm.
These topics describe the security features of HCL Commerce and how to configure these features.
Topics in the Performance section describe the means by which to plan, implement, test, and re-visit the optimization of HCL Commerce site performance.
Topics in the Troubleshooting section highlight common issues that are encountered with HCL Commerce, and how they can be addressed or mitigated.
Topics in the Reference section contain all of the HCL Commerce reference documentation.