B2C business model
HCL Commerce supports commerce transactions involving products, services, or information between businesses and consumers. Consumers typically purchase goods or services directly from a business in this B2C scenario.
The following diagram demonstrates a typical B2C business.

In a typical B2C business, customers buy directly from the business, usually a retailer, as shown in this diagram. The business can be a retailer, a manufacturer who sells their goods directly to consumers through their own retail outlet, or any other business that sells goods or provides services directly to consumers. For example, a business that sells to consumers directly through a catalog would be considered a B2C business.
Organizations that are not traditionally considered businesses, such as governments, can sometimes implement sites based on the consumer direct business model. This occurs in such cases where governments provide goods and services directly to consumers.
A value of B2C in the STORE table STORETYPE column indicates a B2C store.