Interface BusinessContextService

  • public interface BusinessContextService
    This interface defines the required methods to implement the Business Context Service. Business Context Service provides services to create, manage the life cycle of and associate different contexts to a business activity. An activity is a sequence of requests initiated by the same user against the same store.
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT
        IBM copyright notice field.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • begin

        ActivityToken begin( initData)
                     throws BusinessContextServiceException
        This method creates an activity with the given initialization data. The implementation of this method will pass the initialization data down to the initialize(ActivityToken, ActivityData) method of each business context, where all the required parameters are extracted and used to populate the context. This method is called by a local client to indicate the beginning of an activity.
        initData - the initialization data
        a valid token for the new activity
        BusinessContextServiceException - on any error encountered
      • begin

        ActivityToken begin(java.lang.String logonId,
                            java.lang.String pwd,
                     throws BusinessContextServiceException,
        This method returns an activity for a given valid user logon ID and password. The implementation of this method will:
        1. Authenticate the user logon ID and password.
        2. If successful, check whether an activity for the user already exists.
        3. If no such activity exists - this is the first request - creates a new activity.
        4. After an activity is found or created, updates the callerID and runAsID attributes of the activity.
        logonId - the logon ID of the user who is trying to initiate an activity
        pwd - the user's password
        initData - the initialization data
        a valid token for the activity found or created
        BusinessContextServiceException - on any other error encountered
        BusinessContextServiceAuthenticationException - if the user cannot be authenticated
      • complete

        void complete(ActivityToken token)
               throws ServiceException
        This method completes a given activity. Changes the status of the activity to T in the CTXMGMT table to indicate that the activity is no longer active.
        token - the activity token
        ServiceException - on any error encountered
      • startRequest

        void startRequest(ActivityToken token,
                   throws BusinessContextServiceException
        Reserved for IBM internal use.

        This method is called before request execution for any necessary setup. The implementation of this method will pass the session data down to the preInvoke(ActivityData) method of each business context associated with the given activity. Next, all the required parameters are extracted and used to update the context. This method is called by a local client before the processing of a request.

        token - the activity token
        sessionData - the map of name-value pairs for the parameters that are passed in the request
        BusinessContextServiceException - on any error encountered
      • endRequest

        void endRequest(ActivityToken token)
                 throws BusinessContextServiceException
        Reserved for IBM internal use.

        This method is called after request execution for any necessary cleanup. The implementation of this method will, in turn, call the postInvoke(ActivityData) method of each business context associated with the given activity. This method is called by a local client after the processing of a request.

        token - the activity token
        BusinessContextServiceException - on any error encountered
      • rollbackRequest

        void rollbackRequest(ActivityToken token)
                      throws BusinessContextServiceException
        Reserved for IBM internal use.

        This method is called when a request is rolled back. The implementation of this method will, in turn, call the reset() method of each business context associated with the given activity. This method is called by a local client to indicate when a request is rolled back.

        token - the activity token
        BusinessContextServiceException - on any error encountered
      • copyActivity

        ActivityToken copyActivity(ActivityToken currentToken,
                            throws BusinessContextServiceException
        This method creates a new activity based on the contexts associated with a given token and session data. The implementation of this method will pass both arguments to the initialize(ActivityToken, ActivityToken, ActivityData) method of each business context, where the context is first initialized based on the input activity's context and then updated based on the session data. This method is called when it is required to switch to another activity under the following circumstances:
        1. a different storeId is specified than previous requests
        2. a different customer is served
        3. request is initiated by a different user
        currentToken - the activity token of the input activity
        sessionData - the name-value pairs for the parameters that are passed in the request
        the activity token for the newly created activity
        BusinessContextServiceException - on any error encountered
      • resolveActivity

        ActivityToken resolveActivity(ActivityToken token,
                               throws BusinessContextServiceException
        Reserved for IBM internal use.

        This method gets the valid activity token that is associated with a particular user and store. This method is mainly used when a user switches from one store to another. The implementation of this method will iterate through all existing activities and return an active one if possible.

        token - an activity token that identifies the user
        initData - initialization data that identifies the store
        the activity token if one exists; null otherwise
        BusinessContextServiceException - on any error encountered
      • findActivityTokenForUserAndStore

        ActivityToken findActivityTokenForUserAndStore(java.lang.Long callerId,
                                                       java.lang.Integer storeId)
                                                throws BusinessContextServiceException
        Reserved for IBM internal use.

        This method finds an activity token for a particular caller and store.

        callerId - the caller ID
        storeId - the store ID
        the activity token if one exists; null otherwise
        BusinessContextServiceException - on any error encountered
      • findActivityTokenById

        ActivityToken findActivityTokenById(java.lang.Long activityTokenId)
                                     throws BusinessContextServiceException
        Reserved for IBM internal use.

        This method finds an activity token by the specified activity token id.

        activityTokenId - The activity token ID
        The activity token if exists; null otherwise
        BusinessContextServiceException - on any error encountered
      • isValidToken

        boolean isValidToken(ActivityToken token)
                      throws InvalidActivityTokenException
        This method checks the validity of a given token. The implementation of this method will check the status of the activity and validate that the activity token has not been tampered with.
        token - the token
        true if the token is valid
        InvalidActivityTokenException - if the token is not valid
      • getContextMap

        java.util.Map getContextMap(ActivityToken token)
                             throws BusinessContextServiceException
        Reserved for IBM internal use.

        This method gets a map of string representations of all the contexts associated with a given activity. This method is provided for generic user support where contexts persist in a cookie instead of in a database.

        token - the token that identifies the activity
        the map of string representations of all the contexts associated with the activity
        BusinessContextServiceException - on any error encountered
      • setContextMap

        void setContextMap(ActivityToken token,
                           java.util.Map ctxMap)
                    throws BusinessContextServiceException
        Reserved for IBM internal use.

        This method initializes the contexts of a given activity based on a map of string representations of all of the activity's contexts. This method is provided for generic user support where contexts are persisted in cookie instead of database.

        token - the token that identifies the activity
        ctxMap - the map of string representations of all the contexts associated with the activity
        BusinessContextServiceException - on any error encountered
      • isContextDirty

        boolean isContextDirty(ActivityToken token)
        Reserved for IBM internal use.

        This method checks whether any of the contexts associated with a given token are dirty. The implementation of this method will iterate through all the business contexts of the activity and check whether each of them is dirty. This method is used by a local client.

        token - the token
        true if any of the contexts are dirty; false otherwise
      • createTransientClonedActivity

        ActivityToken createTransientClonedActivity(ActivityToken oldToken)
        Reserved for IBM internal use.

        This method creates a transient cloned token from a given token. The resulting token is a transient object to be used within a request and will not be persisted. Its contexts are copies of the input token's contexts. This method is used when a temporary change is required to the business context. Changes will not affect the original copies of the business context.

        oldToken - the token to be cloned
        the transient cloned token created
      • stopActivities

        void stopActivities(java.lang.Long nUserId)
        Reserved for IBM internal use.

        This method stops all activities for a given user. The implementation of this method will change the status of all active activities related to the user to 'T'. Once the status is moved from 'A' to 'T', the activity can no longer be used. This method is used to ensure that only one activity related to the given user can be active.

        nUserId - the ID of the user for whom all activities are to be stopped
      • stopActivity

        void stopActivity(ActivityToken token)
        Stop the activity. Change its status from 'A' to 'T' and invalidate its context data.
        token - The token of the activity to stop.
      • flushCache

        void flushCache()
        Reserved for IBM internal use.

        This method flushes all activities from the activity cache for the current thread. Business contexts of an activity are cached in the Business Context Service for performance reason to save on context initialization. Activities are stored in the cache in a per thread basis. This method is called to clear the cache for the current thread at the exit point of a request.

      • getContextSPIs

        java.util.List getContextSPIs(ActivityToken token)
        Reserved for IBM internal use.

        This method gets all the context service provider interface objects that are associated with a given activity. This is similar to the getContextMap(ActivityToken) method, but this method returns the business context in its context service provider interface objects instead of string representations.

        token - the token that identifies the activity
        a list of the context service provider interface objects for the activity
      • synchronizeContexts

        void synchronizeContexts(ActivityToken token,
                                 boolean bRequestStarted)
                          throws BusinessContextServiceException
        Reserved for IBM internal use.

        This method is called by the base context in response to various changes therein. This method, in turn, calls the recalibrate() method of each context that depends on the base context so that they can recalibrate themselves accordingly.

        token - the token that identifies the activity
        bRequestStarted - true if startRequest(ActivityToken, ActivityData) has been called; false otherwise
        BusinessContextServiceException - on any error encountered