JSP object snippet: CatalogEntryPriceDisplay.jspf
This object snippet displays the price for a catalog entry.
Required parameters:
- catalogEntry: This is the catalogy entry for which the price will be displayed. It has to be one of ProductDataBean, ItemDataBean, BundleDataBean, or PackageDataBean.type: This parameter is used to indicate the type of the given
- catalogEntry. It has to be one of {product, item, bundle, package}. By default, the type is either package or item.
The rules for price display are as follows:
For product and bundle:
- If there is no available item price, a message indicating that no price is available will be displayed.
- If the minimum item price is not equal to the maximum item price, a price range will be displayed.
- If there is only one item price, and the list price is either unavailable or smaller than the item price, then only the item price will be displayed.
- If there is only one item price, and the list price is greater than the item price, then both the list price and the item price will be displayed.
For item and package:
- If there is no offer price, a message indicating that no price is available will be displayed.
- If there is no list price or the list price is smaller than the offer price, then only will the offer price be displayed.
- If the list price is greater than the offer price, then both thelist price and the offer price will be displayed.