JSP code snippet: Promotions display

This JSP code snippet displays all of the available discounts associated with a particular category or catalog entry. It uses the CalculationCodeListDataBean to retrieve all of the CalculationCodeDataBeans in order to get the required information.

The PromotionsDisplay.jsp file is available under the following directory:
  • WC_installdir/samples/Snippets/web/Marketing/Promotions
  • WebSphere Commerce Developer WCDE_installdir\samples\Snippets\web\Marketing\Promotions


Before you can see the category-specific discounts, you must create some category or product promotions associated with the category or product, which will be displayed on the test page. The short description, long description and the promotion's period of availability are required when you create these promotions.


To display category discounts in your store's category page, cut and paste the code from the snippet to your category page.