RefundMethodConfigurations XML file

Use the RefundMethodConfigurations.xml file to configure the refund method details.

This file is in the following directory:

  • WC_eardir/xml/config/payments/edp/groups/default
  • WebSphere Commerce Developerworkspace_dir/wc/xml/config/payments/edp/groups/default

The configuration details include information about the refund method name and back-end payment system.

In this example, details are configured for a credit card payment method.

Example: Credit card configuration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<RefundMethodConfiguration name="CreditCardOffline"
		paymentSystemName="SimpleOffline" />
The name of the refund configuration.
The name of the payment back-end system. The payment system name must be consistent with a payment system name in the PaymentSystemPluginMapping.xml file. In the preceding example, SimpleOffline is a payment system name that is mapped to SimpleOffline plug-in in the PaymentSystemPluginMapping.xml file.
WebSphere Commerce Version
WebSphere Commerce Version the priority of the refund method. The priority can be one of these values: HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW. When more than one refund method is used, the refund action coincides with the corresponding refund method, following the priority setting. If the priority is not set in the configuration, the default value is HIGH.