Deprecated feature


The QUERYCREDITS command returns a collection of WebSphere Commerce Payments Credit objects or unique payment identifiers (in the form: "orderNumber: creditNumber").

Required keywords and operational parameters for QueryCredits command
Required keyword Value
ETAPIVERSION 3 (Indicates WebSphere Commerce Payments-or predecessor product-API version: Version 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 3.1.x, 5.5.x, and 5.6.x)
OPERATION ASCII character string "QueryCredits".
Optional operational parameters for QueryCredits command.
Optional operational parameters Value
DTDPATH ASCII character string. Path to the locally-stored DTD. The value of this parameter will be used in the XML document to specify the location of the external DTD. If this parameter is not specified, the complete DTD will be returned as an internal DTD. The length of the DTDPath must be from 1 to 254 bytes.

1: Instead of returning the actual objects, only a list of unique credit identifiers (in the form "merchantNumber:orderNumber:creditNumber") should be returned.

0: The complete objects will be returned.

RETURNATMOST Specifies the maximum number of objects or unique credit identifiers to return for this call. This enables the application to control the amount of data returned by a given query call. Integer in ASCII characters. 32-bit positive integer.

1: PSORDER object should be located and returned with the Credit objects.

0: Only Credit objects will be returned.

Optional search modifiers Multiple allowed? Value
BATCHNUMBER Y Integer in ASCII characters. Must be from 1 to 999999999.
BRAND Y Brand of customer's payment method. ASCII character string.
CREATEBEGINTIME N A date and time to be used as the lower limit of the create time of the credit. To be included in the query result. This value is specified in ASCII decimal digits as the number of milliseconds since midnight (00:00:00:000 on a 24 hour clock), 01 January 1970.
CREATEENDTIME N A date and time to be used as the upper limit of the create time of the credit. To be included in the query result. This value is specified in ASCII decimal digits as the number of milliseconds since midnight (00:00:00:000 on a 24 hour clock), 01 January 1970.
CREDITNUMBER Y Integer in ASCII characters. Must be from 1 to 999999999.
CURRENCY N The ISO 4217 currency code for amount values. Integer in ASCII characters. Must be exactly 3 characters long and should include leading zeroes if necessary.
MAXAMOUNT N Maximum credit amount. A Currency value must also be specified. A 32-bit positive integer in ASCII characters.
MERCHANTNUMBER Y Integer in ASCII characters. Must be from 1 to 999999999.
MINAMOUNT N Minimum credit amount. A Currency value must also be specified. A 32-bit positive integer in ASCII characters.
MODIFYBEGINTIME N A date and time to be used as the lower limit of the modify time of the credit. To be included in the query result. This value is specified in ASCII decimal digits as the number of milliseconds since midnight (00:00:00:000 on a 24 hour clock), 01 January 1970.
MODIFYENDTIME N A date and time to be used as the upper limit of the modify time of the credit. To be included in the query result. This value is specified in ASCII decimal digits as the number of milliseconds since midnight (00:00:00:000 on a 24 hour clock), 01 January 1970.
ORDERNUMBER Y Integer in ASCII characters. Must be from 1 to 9999999999.
PAYMENTTYPE Y ASCII character string. Specifies the payment cassette or protocol. Value has a maximum length of 10 characters.
REFERENCENUMBER Y Merchant-assigned reference number for this credit. ASCII character string.

An ASCII character string containing one of the following values:

  • "credit_reset"
  • "credit_refunded"
  • "credit_closed"
  • "credit_declined"
  • "credit_void"
  • "credit_pending"