Change an asset store promotion from within an extended sites store

In this lesson, you will continue to assume the role of Amelia, a Marketing Manager. This lesson assumes that you have completed the previous lesson successfully and are still logged into the extended sites Sample B2B Store in the Management Center as Amelia. While still logged in to the Sample B2B Store as Amelia, you have the authority to edit asset store objects (such as promotions) from within the extended sites store.

About this task

You need to change the Free shipping on Orders over $40.00 promotion to make it more competitive. Currently, this promotion is only available on Sundays. You want to change the promotion so that it is available on both Saturdays and Sundays.

To change an asset store promotion from within an extended sites store:


  1. From the explorer view, select Promotions to display a list of all of the promotions.
  2. In the Promotions list, right-click the Free shipping on Orders over $40.00 promotion. Click Deactivate . This will deactivate the promotion so that you can edit it.
  3. Double click the Free shipping on Orders over $40.00 promotion to open its properties.
  4. In the Schedule section, change available days to Saturday and Sunday.
  5. Click Save and then click Close .
  6. Go to the Promotions list, right-click the Free shipping on Orders over $40.00 . Click Activate to activate the promotion.
    Since this promotion is inherited from the asset store (B2BStorefrontAssetStore), this change will be seen in all extended sites that inherit from this asset store.


The updated promotion displays in the Promotions list view.

Note: The Type and Store columns in the Promotions list view help you to differentiate between the extended sites store and the asset store. For example, if the promotion is contained in the asset store, the promotion icon in the Type column displays a small white arrow Asset store indicator and the store listed in the Store column is the asset store (B2BStoreFrontAssetStore). If the promotion is contained in the extended sites store, the promotion icon in the Type column does not display a small white arrow and the store listed in the Store column is the extended sites store (Sample B2B Store).