Introduced in Feature Pack 3

Tutorial: Creating Search Engine Optimization (SEO) URLs

Introduced in Feature Pack 3

This tutorial demonstrates how to create Search Engine Optimization (SEO) URLs. Through SEO you can increase your online visibility in search engine results, driving more shoppers to your store. WebSphere Commerce provides several tools to assist with your overall SEO strategy, one of which is to create a short and meaningful search engine friendly URL.

In this tutorial, you customize the new SEO friendly URL feature to provide shorter and more meaningful URLs for pages in your store. This new customization provides new shortened and meaningful URLs for each new Recipe and Recipe Collection such as: http://localhost/shop/en/madisons/Recipe/Western-Foods. These changes are made by defining URL Keyword data for each Recipe and Recipe Collection object in the WebSphere Commerce SEO tables. You also must define the URL patterns for each recipe page view in the new URL patterns definition files.

Learning objectives

After completing this tutorial, you should be able to:
  • Understanding the WebSphere Commerce FEP3 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Solution
  • Overview of simple extension and customization tasks.

Time required

Expect this tutorial to take about two hours to complete.

Skill level



This tutorial is intended for WebSphere Commerce developers responsible for creating and customizing WebSphere Commerce Store URLs.

System requirements

Before you begin this tutorial, ensure that you complete the following prerequisites:


Ensure that you complete the following prerequisites:
To complete this tutorial, you should be familiar with the following terms and concepts:
  • JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology
  • XML
  • Relational databases
  • SQL