WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseWebSphere Commerce Professional

GiftRegistryItemUpdate action

This action updates the quantity requested for an item that a gift registrant has selected for a gift registry. For example, the gift registrant can add an additional place setting for dinnerware previously selected as part of the gift registry.

URL structure

The fully qualified name of your WebSphereCommerce server and the configuration path (for example, wcserver.mydomain.ibm.com is fully qualified).
GiftRegistryItemUpdate syntax diagram

Parameter values

Required: The URL to be called when the action completes successfully.
Required: The store reference number, which is required to help identify to which stores a gift registry belongs.
Required: The unique identifier for a catalog item.
(Required if the catEntryId parameter is not specified) A unique identifier for the item to be updated in the gift registry. If both the partNumber and catEngryId parameters are specified, the partNumber value takes precedence.
(Required if the partNumber parameter is specified) A unique identifier for, or owner of, the partNumber.
(Required if the partNumber_i or memberId_i parameter is not specified) A unique identifier for the item to be updated in the gift registry. If the giftItemId_i, catEngryId, and partNumber parameters are specified, the giftItemId_i value takes precedence.
Required: The unique identifier for the gift registry.
Overrides the error view (as defined in section Exception conditions) when an error occurs.
The quantity of this item, specified by the gift registrant. Note that this is the total quantity, not the additional quantity. The default is 1.
The quantity of this item already bought by a gift giver. This value must be greater than or equal to 0. The default is 0.
The method by which, or physical location where, the gift registrant created the gift registry (for example, online, by in-store kiosk, or through a call center). The default is online.


The following example updates the quantity of item 5000 from 10 to 12, for gift registry 888 at store 1001.



  • Upon successful completion, the specified URL is called.
  • Updates details about a gift item listed in an existing gift registry.

Exception conditions

  • If a required parameter is not specified, the system throws an exception with the _ERR_CMD_MISSING_PARAMETER message key.
  • If an invalid parameter is specified, the system throws an exception with the ERR_CMD_BAD_PARAMETER message key.
  • If an invalid product is specified, the system throws an exception with the ERR_PROD_NOT_EXISTING message key. For this error, the action passes exception data in the form of name-value pairs. Specifically, multiplePartNumberList specifies the part numbers for invalid products, and multiplePartNumberQuantityList specifies the corresponding requested quantities (one for each part number).
  • If a product is not eligible for to be updated (for example, the product is being discontinued), the system throws an exception with the ERR_PROD_NOT_ELIGIBLE message key. For this error, the action passes exception data in the form of name-value pairs. Specifically, multiplePartNumberList specifies the part numbers for non-eligible products, and multiplePartNumberQuantityList specifies the corresponding requested quantities (one for each part number).
  • If the system cannot find the gift registry profile to update, the system throws an exception with the _ERR_REGISTRY_NOT_FOUND message key.
  • If the system cannot find the catalog entry in the system, the system throws an exception with the _ERR_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND message. For this error, the action passes exception data in the form of name-value pairs. Specifically, multiplePartNumberList specifies the part numbers for invalid catalog entries, and multiplePartNumberQuantityList specifies the corresponding requested quantities (one for each part number).
  • If the system encounters a security problem, such as a user attempting to access the gift registry without the appropriate authorization, the system throws an exception with the message key _ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED.