Verifying that your development environment contains the prerequisite warranty information

Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 3This tutorial requires that you complete the prerequisite tutorials that are listed in the introductory page. Your development environment must have custom tables for warranty data, and that warranty data must exist in your search index. You can verify that this data exists by navigating to a URL that returns index entries for a catalog entry and check the results for warranty data.


  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Verify that the index is populated with the warranty data from the prerequisite tutorial:
    1. Navigate to the following URL, replacing the variables, masterCatalogId and catentry_id with the correct values for your store master catalog id and the id of a catalog entry in your master catalog that contains warranty information:
      • WebSphere Commerce Developerhttp://localhost/solr/MC_masterCatalogId_CatalogEntry_en_US/select?q=catentry_id:catentry_id
      • SolarisLinuxAIXWindowshttp://host_name:solr-port/solr/MC_masterCatalogId_CatalogEntry_en_US/select?q=catentry_id:catentry_id
      Where catentry_id is the catalog entry Id of a catalog entry that contains warranty information.
      Note: To determine the catalog entries in your store master catalog that contain warranty information open a browser and type the following URL:
      • http://localhost/webapp/wcs/admin/servlet/db.jsp
      In the input box, enter the following query and click Submit Query to view the catentry_id for all catalog entries that contain warranty information:
      select CATENTRY_ID from XWARRANTY;
    2. In the results that are returned from the URL, verify that warranty fields are included for catalog entries that have warranty data in the database schema table.
      The following snippet is an example of the results that are returned from the index; the warranty data is marked with 1, 2 and 3:
      <int name="buyable">1</int>
      <str name="careinstruction">Never use household cleaners</str>1
      <arr name="catalog_id">
      <long name="catentry_id">10005</long>
      <str name="catenttype_id_ntk_cs">ProductBean</str>
      <str name="fillImage">Images/catalog/furniture/furniture_160x160</str>
      <str name="longDescription">Wing chair to complement any decor.</str>
      <long name="member_id">700000000000000002</long>
      <str name="name">White Wing Chair</str>
      <arr name="parentCatgroup_id_facet">
      <arr name="parentCatgroup_id_search">
      <str name="partNumber_ntk">FULO-03</str>
      <float name="price_USD">499.99</float>
      <int name="published">1</int>
      <arr name="sequence">
      <str name="shortDescription">Wing chair to complement any decor.</str>
      <int name="storeent_id">10001</int>
      <str name="thumbnail">images/catalog/furniture/furniture_70x70/</str>
      <str name="warterm">60</str> 2
      <str name="wartype">LIMITED</str> 3


Your warranty data displays in the web browser. Your development environment is ready for you to progress with the remainder of this tutorial. If you do not see the warranty data, the two prerequisite tutorials might not be successfully completed.