Error codes for error views
Error code for OrderUnlockErrorView
- 240
- The order is unlocked, and therefore cannot be processed.
Error code constants are defined in the ErrorOrderUnlockCmd interface.
Error codes for BadOrderDataErrorView
- 220
- A numeric field contains a non-numeric character, or a number is out of range. The ErrorDataBean passed to the BadOrderDataErrorView will include in its exceptionData a "field" property indicating the name of the invalid field.
- 230
- An order has non-buyable order items. The ErrorDataBean passed to the BadOrderDataErrorView will include in its exceptionData a "nonBuyableOrderItems" property which is a vector of strings specifying non-buyable order item numbers.
Error codes constants are defined in the ErrorOrderDataCmd interface.
Error codes for ErrorOrderNoneCmd error view
- 230
- No orders that match the request were found.
Error codes constants are defined in the ErrorOrderNoneCmd interface.
Error codes for RetrievePriceErrorView
- 1002
- No price can be found for the given catalog entry. The missing price is the result of no explicit price being found in the shopping currency and no conversion being available to the shopping currency (from other explicit prices in different currencies).
Any of the following task commands may specify this error view: