AutoBidSubmit URL
Validates input from the AutoBidCreateForm and AutoBidUpdateForm commands.
Validates input from the AutoBidCreateForm and AutoBidUpdateForm commands. If the input is valid, a new row is created in the AUTOBID table. If an existing autobid is being updated, the status of the old bid is marked as Superseded and the old bid is moved to the AUTOBIDLOG table.
URL structure
- http:// host_name/path/
- The fully qualified name of your WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path.
Parameter Values
- aucrfn
- The reference number of the auction for the autobid being submitted.
- autobidrfn
- The reference number of the autobid to be created.
- bidquant
- The requested quantity.
- maxbidlimit
- The upper limit for the autobid.
- bidval
- The initial bid value. If present, a bid is created on behalf of the autobid with the initial value set to this bid value.
- bidauthflg
- Deposit authorization flag. Authorizes a deduction from the specified credit card. The only value accepted currently is on (enabled).
- bidshprfn
- The shipping address reference number
- redirecturl
- Redirection URL. The page corresponding to this URL loads when the controller command completes execution successfully.
- bidbillrfn
- The billing address reference number.
- bidshpmod
- Shipping mode reference number.
- bidquantflg
- Partial quantity flag. By default, the full quantity is required unless otherwise specified.
- bidcreatetime
- The time the corresponding autobid was created.
- autobid_action
- The action to be taken by the autobid: create or update.
- paymentPolicyString
- String which contains the following payment information:
- policyId
- The ID of payment policy.
- cardBrand
- The credit card brand.
- cardNumber
- The credit card number.
- cardExpiryMonth
- The month after which the credit card expires.
- cardExpiryYear
- The year after which the credit card expires.
- storeID
- The ID of the store hosting the auction for which you are submitting a bid.
This example submits a new autobid for auction 10001 (autobid number =
- Looks up the auction based on the specified auction reference number and verifies that the auction status is Current or Future. Verifies that the auction type is Open Cry.
- If the bid value was not specified, calculates the amount.
- Checks that the bid value meets best bid value requirements.
- Calls the following commands to perform various algorithms that
verify the data:
- The CheckBidderQualification task command to determine whether the customer is qualified to submit bids. For the default implementation of this task, all registered customers are qualified to submit bids.
- The CheckBidderStatus task command to ensure that the customer has seen the auction rules.
- The CheckGenBidRef task command to check the validity of the provided bid reference number.
- The CheckBidControl task command to determine if the bidding rules were followed and that the bid quantity is less than or equal to the quantity on auction.
- The DataCrypt command to encrypt the credit card number.
- The CheckCCNumber task command to verify the credit card number.
- The AddressAccessBean and AddressBookAccessBean to validate the shipping and billing addresses.
- Calls the ShipModeAccessBean to validate the shipping mode reference number.
- If called when an autobid is created, adds the new autobid with a status of Active, creates a new row in the AUTOBIDLOG table with the autobid message set to Superseded and updates the existing autobid with the new values. Bid value, quantity, and creation time cannot be updated.
- Calls the MemberAuctionAccessBean to add the auction to the auction gallery.
- If the auction status is Current:
- If creating a new autobid, then creates a new bid in the BID table, establishing a double link between the bid and its autobid.
- Otherwise the existing bid is updated with the new autobid values. Bid value, quantity, and creation time cannot be updated.
Exception Conditions
If mandatory incoming parameters are null or if incoming parameters are incorrect, sets the EC_AUTOBID_SUBMIT_ERROR_VIEW_CMD exception task to handle the error.