![Introduced in Feature Pack 2](../../com.ibm.commerce.base.doc/images/FEP2plus.gif)
Extending the Order facade client that initiates the creation of recurring order in the Subscription Manager
![Introduced in Feature Pack 2](../../com.ibm.commerce.base.doc/images/FEP2plus.gif)
- Copy ServiceProviderProcessRecurringOrderCmdExtImpl.java file:
- In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand .
- Right-click .
- Name the Package: com.mycompany.commerce.order.commands.
- Copy ServiceProviceProcessRecurringOrderCmdExtImpl.java from temp\src\com\mycompany\commerce\order\commands to the Package created in step 1c.
- Copy ServiceProviderOrderFacadeConstantsExt.java file:
- In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand .
- Right-click .
- Name the Package: com.mycompany.commerce.order.facade.
- Copy ServiceProviderOrderFacadeConstantsExt.java from temp\src\com\mycompany\commerce\order\facade to the Package created in the preceding step. This constants file is used in the client facade.
- Copy ServiceProviderOrderFacadeClientExt.java file:
- In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand .
- Right-click .
- Name the Package: com.mycompany.commerce.order.facade.client.
- Copy ServiceProviderOrderFacadeClientExt.java file from temp\src\com\mycompany\commerce\order\facade\client to the Package created in step 3c.
- Update the process action command implementation to use
the following one in the CMDREG table:
- Update the struts configuration file for the order service
to use the new facade client.
- Save your changes.