Interface | Description |
ChangeOrderCmd |
This command is used to change Order.
ComposeOrderCmd |
This is the interface for the commands used to populates the OrderType and ShowOrderType.
FetchOrdersCmd |
This task command retrieves a list of orders according to the search criteria specified by the client.
GetOrderCmd |
This class is used to get orders.
InsertMoreOrderDataCmd |
This command is used to insert more data for order noun.
ProcessOrderCmd |
This is the interface for command used to process order.
SyncOrderCmd |
This is the interface for the command SyncOrderCmdImpl.
Class | Description |
AbstractComposeOrderCmdImpl |
This class is an abstract class that provides many protected methods to compose the elements of the OrderType and ShowOrderType
AbstractFetchOrdersSOICmdImpl |
This command is the base command of those command that retrieve a list of orders according to the search criteria specified by the client.
AbstractFetchQuoteCmdImpl |
This command is the base command of those commands that retrieve a list of quotes according to the search criteria specified by the client.
AcknowledgeOrderBuildCmdImpl |
This class is used to build the order response.
AcknowledgeOrderBuildForCalculationCmdImpl |
This class is used to build the order response.
AcknowledgeOrderErrorBuildCmdImpl |
This class is used to populate exception information into the ChangeStatus of Acknowledge verb.
ComposeExternalOrderCmdImpl |
This compose task command is called from GetOrderCmdImpl.
ComposeExternalQuoteCmdImpl |
This compose task command is called from GetQuoteCmdImpl.
ComposeOrderAmountCmdImpl |
This command populates the Order SDO using OrderSOIDataBean.
ComposeOrderDetailsCmdImpl |
This compose task command is called from GetOrderCmdImpl.
ComposeOrderItemAmountQuantityCmdImpl |
This command populates the Order SDO using OrderItemSOIDataBean.
ComposeOrderItemConfigurationCmdImpl |
This task command is called by GetOrderCmdImpl.
ComposeOrderItemProductIDCmdImpl |
this command populates the order sdo using orderitemsoidatabean.
ComposeOrderNonRecurringItemsCmdImpl |
This compose task command is called from GetOrderCmdImpl.
ComposeOrderSummaryCmdImpl |
This compose task command is called from GetOrderCmdImpl.
ComposeTransferOrderCmdImpl |
ComposeOrderCmd implementation used by the transfer order integration flow.
ComposeUsablePaymentInformationCmdImpl |
This compose task command is called from GetOrderCmdImpl.
ComposeUsableShippingInformationCmdImpl |
This compose task command is called from GetOrderCmdImpl.
DOMComposeInventoryRequirementCmdImpl | Deprecated
Replaced by ComposeInventoryRequirementCmdImpl.
DOMComposeOrderDetailsCmdImpl | Deprecated
Replaced by ComposeOrderDetailsCmdImpl.
DOMComposeUsableShippingInformationCmdImpl | Deprecated
Replaced by ComposeUsableShippingInformationCmdImpl.
FetchConfigurationByOrderItemIdCmdImpl |
This task command retrieves order item configuration according to the search criteria specified by the client.
FetchOrderByExternalOrderIdCmdImpl |
This task command retrieves a list of orders from external system according to the search criteria specified by the client.
FetchOrderByStoreIdPlaceDateMemberIdAndStatusCmdImpl |
This command retrieves a list of orders according to the search criteria specified by the client.
FetchOrderItemByStoreIdCreateDateMemberIdAndStatusCmdImpl |
This command retrieves a list of order items according to the search criteria specified by the client.
FetchOrdersByExtParameterCmdImpl |
This task command retrieves a list of orders according to the search criteria specified by the client.
FetchOrdersByIdentifierCmdImpl |
This task command retrieves a list of orders according to the search criteria specified by the client.
FetchOrdersByStatusCmdImpl |
This task command retrieves a list of orders according to the search criteria specified by the client.
FetchQuoteByExternalQuoteIdCmdImpl |
This task command retrieves a list of quotes from external system according to the search criteria specified by the client.
GetOrderAccessProfile |
This class defines the constants of access profiles, including IBM_SUMMARY, IBM_DETAILS , IBM_USABLESHIPPINGINFO and IBM_USABLEPAYMENTINFO.
GetOrderCmdImpl |
This class is used to get orders.
InsertMoreOrderDataCmdImpl |
This class is the default implementation for command InsertMoreOrderDataCmd.
OrderResponseBuildBaseCmdImpl |
This is the base class for order response building, and it calls validateParameters and performExecute in the execute method.
RespondOrderBuildCmdImpl |
This command builds the RespondOrder BOD.
RespondOrderErrorBuildCmdImpl |
This command is use to build response order error.
RespondOrderWithPIBuildCmdImpl |
This command implementation is used to build response order with payment instruction.