This command retrieves attachments according to the attachment search expression specified by the client. It searches attachments by attachment description name, attachment identifier and attachment asset path. If the search expression is a logical "or" operation, it gets attachments by attachment description name or attachment identifier in union. The search is case sensitive. The search operator can be CONTAINS, STARTS WITH, ENDS WITH or EQUALS. Take attachment identifier search as an example.
- {_wcf.ap=$accessProfile$}/Attachment[search(contains(AttachmentIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/Identifier, '$identifier$'))]
- it searches attachments by the attachment identifier which is "case-sensitive, contains"
- {_wcf.ap=$accessProfile$}/Attachment[search(starts-with(AttachmentIdentifier/ExternalIdentifer/Identifier, '$identifier$'))]
- it searches attachments by the attachment identifier which is "case-sensitive, starts-with"
- {_wcf.ap=$accessProfile$}/Attachment[search(ends-with(AttachmentIdentifier/ExternalIdentifer/Identifier, '$identifier$'))]
- it searches attachments by the attachment identifier which is "case-sensitive, ends-with"
- {_wcf.ap=$accessProfile$}/Attachment[search(AttachmentIdentifier/ExternalIdentifer/Identifier='$identifier$')]
- it searches attachments by the attachment identifier which is "case-sensitive, equals"