Installing the ESI cache monitor

In this lesson, you will install the DynaCacheEsi.ear Web application. Once the application is installed, you will see the Edge Cache statistics. Edge Cache statistics uses the cache monitor.


  1. Use the WebSphere Application Server Administrative console to install DynaCacheEsi.ear.
    1. Starting and stopping quick reference.
    2. Open the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.
    3. Click Applications > New Application.
    4. Click Browse, and locate the DynaCacheESI.ear in the WAS_installdir/installableApps directory. Click Next.
    5. On the "Preparing for the application installation" window, select Detailed- Show all installation options and parameters. Click Next. You will receive an application security warning. Click continue.
    6. For Step 1: Select installation options, accept the defaults. Click Next.
    7. For Step 2: In the "Map modules to servers" window, select the application servers to be monitored. Select both servers from the list of available servers you can map to. Then, check the box beside the Dynamic Cache Monitor module. Click Apply. As part of the entry in the server column of the table, you should now see an additional server listed. Click Next.
    8. Go to Step 6: Map virtual hosts for Web modules, check the box beside the DynaCacheEsi Web module, and select one of the virtual hosts that you want the cache monitor to run on.
      • VH_(instance_name)_Admin
      • VH_(instance_name)_Tools
      Note: Keep the selection the same as the one selected for running Dynamic Cache Monitor.
    9. Go to Step 8: In the Summary, accept the default values. Click Finish.
    10. Click Save.
  2. Update the plugin-cfg,xml plugin configuration file located in the WAS_installdir\profiles\profile_name\config\cells\cell_name\nodes\webserver1_node\servers\webserver1 directory.
    1. Modify the file so the ESIInvalidationMonitor property is set to true.
  3. Use the WebSphere Application Server Administrative console to start the cache monitor.
    1. Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
    2. Check the box next to DynaCacheEsi. Click Start.
  4. Access the Web Application at https:// hostname: virtual_host_port/cachemonitor.


The appearance of Edge Statistics indicates that the installation of the ESI application was successful.

Note: If the Edge Statistics does not appear, try restarting the Web Server and the Application Server.