Configuration, Masthead, and Log Files

At the end of the installation you can find the following BigFix files containing the settings of the installed components and the installation messages:

Table 1. Configuration and Log BigFix Files

Configuration and Log BigFix Files

Component File
  • Configuration file: /var/opt/BESServer/besserver.config
  • Masthead file: /etc/opt/BESServer/actionsite.afxm
  • Log files: /var/log/BESInstall.log, /var/log/BESAdminDebugOut.txt
Web Report
  • Configuration file: /var/opt/BESWebReportsServer/beswebreports.config
  • Masthead file: /etc/opt/BESWebReportsServer/actionsite.afxm
  • Configuration file: /var/opt/BESClient/besclient.config
  • Masthead file: /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm
  • Configuration file: /var/opt/BESRelay/besrelay.config
The configuration files contain settings for traces, database connection, and proxy configuration. The BESServer, BESFillDB, and BESGatherDB services search for the configuration parameters first on besclient.config and then on besserver.config. The BESWebReports service searches for the configuration parameters first in besclient.config and then in beswebreports.config.