Operator permissions and associated profile actions
The profile actions that operators can complete depend on their roles and authorizations.
- The Operator Role: Master Operator (MO) or Non-Master Operator (NMO)
- Operator permissions on Sites
- Specific operator permissions:
- Create custom content.
- Create actions

Profile list view
The profile list view displays the profiles that the currently logged-in operator is authorized to access. The filtered list includes profiles that were created in sites that the operator has access to, even if the profiles were created by a different operator.
Add (create), edit, copy, and delete profile actions
To create a new profile, you must have the Custom Content permission set to Yes. When you create the profile, you must specify the site where the profile is created. The site list that you can choose from contains sites that you have access to. A Non-master operator can edit and delete profiles he created and can also edit any profile created in a site for which he has writer permissions.
Master operators are always authorized to edit or delete profiles, unless the profile is created in an Operator site that is not owned by the currently logged-in operator.
Deploy profile
To deploy a profile, you must have the Can Create Actions permission set to Yes. The deploy action is always possible for the currently logged-in operator, on the profiles that are displayed in the profile list. The operator is authorized to deploy profiles to targets subscribed to the sites to which he is authorized, unless further restrictions apply.
Stop profile deployments
Master operators can stop all deployments except for ones that were created in specific operator sites. Non-master operators can stop deployments that they submitted.