Installing the server on Linux in silent mode

To install the BigFix Inventory server on Linux, download the application installer to a selected computer, edit parameters in the install_response.txt file, and run the installation command.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that the BigFix client is installed on the computer on which you want to install the BigFix Inventory server.
  • Start the installation as root to register the server as a system service and to be able to upgrade it later with a fixlet. Otherwise you can start the installation as non-root user.
  • The use of sudo is not supported.


  1. Download the BigFix Inventory installer.
    1. Log in to the BigFix console.
    2. In the navigation bar, click Sites > External Sites > BigFix Inventory > Fixlets and Tasks.
    3. In the upper right pane, select Download BigFix Inventory, and click Take Action.
    4. Select a computer to which you want to download the installer, and click OK.
      The installer is downloaded to the /user/BFI_installer directory on the selected computer. By default: /root/BFI_installer.
  2. Log in as root to the computer where you downloaded the installer.
  3. Go to the directory where the installer was downloaded, and extract the installation files.
    tar xvf installation_package
  4. Read the license agreement in the /user/BFI_installer/licenses/LA_language.txt file.
  5. Edit the install_response.txt response file and adjust it to your installation. Ensure that the RSP_LICENSE_ACCEPTED parameter is set to true. If you do not accept the license, the installation fails. For more information about installation parameters, see: Server installation response file.
  6. Change to the directory with installation files. To start the installation, run the following command. -f response_file_path -i silent
    Where response_file_path is the absolute path to the response file that you are using. For example: -f /root/BFI_installer/install_response.txt -i silent
    Tip: Use the -h option to view help information about using the script, for example: -h.
    Tip: If the installation is slow, check the following items:
    • Check the performance and speed of the hard disk.
    • Check whether the antivirus is scanning each file separately as it might slow down packaging. If this is the case, turn off the antivirus. If the antivirus cannot be turned off, expect the installation to be slower.

What to do next

Access the BigFix Inventory user interface to complete the initial configuration. To access the user interface, go to: https://host_name:port, where host_name and port are the values that you specified during the installation.