Hardware requirements for the client

Review important information about hardware requirements for the BigFix client and the software and capacity scans that are embedded in it.

Processor and RAM

An BigFix client alone can consume up to 2% of the processing power of one processor core on an endpoint. However, the client is complemented with software and capacity scans that collect necessary software and hardware information from your endpoints. Although the capacity scan reports very low CPU usage, the software scan can consume substantial CPU resources while a scan is in progress. To decrease the impact of a software scan on production system, it can be scheduled to run on the weekends or in the evenings. You can also run the software scan with the CPU threshold option that limits the consumption of your CPU resources.

Table 1. CPU and RAM usage for BigFix clients
Component CPU RAM Comments
BigFix client < 2 % < 20 MB For more information, see: https://support.hcltechsw.com/csm?id=bigfix_support.
Software scan Up to 100 %

You can limit the usage by running the scan with the CPU threshold attribute.

< 80 MB The software scan runs on demand, and can be monitored by checking the following processes: wscansw, wscanfs.
Capacity scan < 1 % < 20 MB The capacity scan runs every 30 minutes, and can be monitored by checking the following process: wscanhw.

Disk space

Ensure that endpoints have enough disk space before you start installing the BigFix clients.

Important: The following disk space requirements do not include the size of files that are downloaded to the endpoint by some of the fixlets. For example, the fixlet Download BigFix InventoryDownload IBM® License Metric Tool, downloads the application installer to the specified endpoint. Thus, more space is required on the targeted endpoint.

To check whether a fixlet downloads any files to the targeted endpoint, log in to the BigFix console, and check the value in the Download Size column for the particular fixlet. Then, ensure that enough disk space is available on the endpoint.

Table 2. Disk space requirements for clients installed on UNIX
Operating system Directory Space required Comments
UNIX /opt/BESClient 80 MB Client installation directory.
/var/opt/BESClient 250 MB Client data directory. This directory contains all scan results.
200 MB The additional space is required if the VM Manager Tool is installed on the endpoint.
/opt/tivoli/cit 50 MB Scanner installation directory.
/opt/tivoli/cit/cache_data 100 MB on average Scanner cache files.

The required disk space depends on the number of files, directories, and subdirectories to be scanned. It can be estimated by multiplying the number of files to be scanned by 60 bytes.

/etc/cit < 1 MB Scanner configuration files.
/tmp 100 MB on average Scanner temporary files.

The required disk space depends on the scanner options that are used (for example, sorting) as well as the number of files, directories, and subdirectories to be scanned. It can be estimated by multiplying the number of files to be scanned by 100 bytes.

/usr/ibm/tivoli/common/CIT 10 MB Scanner log files.
Table 3. Disk space requirements for clients installed on Windows
Operating system Directory Space required Comments
Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client 150 MB Client installation and data directory. This directory contains all scan results.
300 MB The additional space is required if the VM Manager Tool is installed on the endpoint.
C:\Program Files\tivoli\cit 20 MB Scanner installation directory.
C:\Program Files\tivoli\cit\cache_data 50 MB on average Scanner cache files.

The required disk space depends on the number of files, directories, and subdirectories to be scanned. It can be estimated by multiplying the number of files to be scanned by 60 bytes.

%WINDIR% < 1 MB Scanner configuration files.
%TMP% or %TEMP% 100 MB on average Scanner temporary files.

The required disk space depends on the scanner options that are used (for example, sorting) as well as the number of files, directories, and subdirectories to be scanned. It can be estimated by multiplying the number of files to be scanned by 100 bytes.

C:\Program Files\tivoli\ibm\tivoli\common\CIT\logs 10 MB Scanner log files.