VM Manager tool command-line options

Apart from basic commands that allow you to create connections to VM managers and check their status, you can use additional commands to run or remove VM Manager Tool, encrypt passwords, or collect debug information for troubleshooting purposes.

The following table provides a list of command-line options that you can use when you run the VM Manager tool. If you run the application without specifying any options, the help screen is displayed by default.

Option Description Example
-addcertificate -alias unique_alias -file vm_manager_certificate

Adds a certificate to the keystore. Use this option when the VM Manager tool is set not to trust SSL certificates from all defined VM managers (vmman_trust_all_vm_managers_certificates parameter is set to false).

Linux icon ./vmman.sh -addcertificate -alias cert_to_vmm1 -file /root/Downloads/VMwaredefaultcertificate.crt

Windows icon vmman.bat -addcertificate -alias cert_to_vmm1 -file C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\VMwaredefaultcertificate.crt

9.2.9 -changepassword -file file_path

Changes the default password to the VM Manager tool keystore. For more information, see: Improving security of storing VM manager passwords.

Linux icon./vmman.sh -changepassword -file /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/VMMAN/config/keystore_password.txt

Windows icon vmman.bat -changepassword -file "C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\LMT\config\keystore_password.txt"

Notice: Applicable till version 10.0.8.
Converts the keystore format from JCEKS to PKCS12. Use this option if you manually upgraded the VM Manager Tool from a version earlier than 10.0.8. Linux icon ./vmman.sh -convertkeystore

Windows icon vmman.bat -convertkeystore


Displays the help screen. It is the default option when no other option is specified.


Installs VM Manager tool as a system service.

Important: You must have the administrative or root privileges to use this option.

Windows icon The installation logs are in the directory: BES Client\LMT\VMMAN\logs\install.

Linux icon ./vmman.sh -install

Windows icon vmman.bat -install

-passwd passwordString -config file_path

Encrypts a password for the VM manager from a configuration file that is specified in the config parameter.

Linux icon ./vmman.sh -passwd newPassword -config ./config/vmmconf_1.properties

Windows icon vmman.bat -passwd newPassword -config config\vmmconf_1.properties

9.2.9 -regenerateencryptionkey

Overwrites the default key that is used to encrypt passwords to VM managers. Run the command to increase security of storing the passwords. For more information, see: Improving security of storing VM manager passwords.

Linux icon ./vmman.sh -regenerateencryptionkey

Windows icon vmman.bat -regenerateencryptionkey


Reloads all configuration files and updates the parameters in the memory of VM Manager tool. You can use this option only if VM Manager tool runs as a system service.

Tip: Use this option each time a new VM manager connection is defined to load the newly created configuration.

Linux icon ./vmman.sh -reloadconfig

Windows icon vmman.bat -reloadconfig


Removes VM Manager tool from the service registry.

Important: You must have the administrative or root privileges to use this option.

Windows icon The removal logs are in the directory: BES Client\LMT\VMMAN\logs\install.

Linux icon ./vmman.sh -remove

Windows icon vmman.bat -remove

Collects debug information from all defined VM managers and stores it in the debugData.zip file that is in the main the VM Manager tool directory. The collected information includes:
  • Configuration files
  • Log files
  • Network communication log files
  • Data collected from VM managers
  • Status of all VM managers

Linux icon ./vmman.sh -retrievedebugdata

Windows icon vmman.bat -retrievedebugdata


Starts the VM Manager tool in service mode. In this mode, data is collected for all defined VM managers repeatedly at the interval that is set in the vmm_polling_time_interval parameter. To use this option, you must install VM Manager tool as a system service.

Important: Windows icon You must have the administrative privileges to use this option.

Linux icon ./vmman.sh -run

Windows icon vmman.bat -run

-runonce [ -config file_path ]

Collects data from all defined VM managers once and exits the VM Manager tool. To collect data from a particular VM manager, use the -config file_path option, where file_path is a full or relative path to the configuration file of the VM manager that you want to collect data from.

Linux icon ./vmman.sh -runonce -config ./config/vmmconf_1.properties

Windows icon vmman.bat -runonce -config config\vmmconf_1.properties

-status [ -config file_path ]

Displays the operation status for all VM managers. If the file path is specified, the operation status for the particular VM manager is displayed.

To see the information about all the operation statuses, refer to the topic VM Manager tool statuses.

Linux icon ./vmman.sh -status -config ./config/vmmconf_1.properties

Windows icon vmman.bat -status -config config\vmmconf_1.properties


Stops VM Manager tool that was started as a system service.

Linux icon ./vmman.sh -stop

Windows icon vmman.bat -stop

-testconnection [ -config file_path ]

Tests connections to all defined VM managers. To collect data from a particular VM manager, use the -config file_path option, where file_path is a full or relative path to the configuration file of the VM manager that you want to collect data from.

Linux icon ./vmman.sh -testconnection -config ./config/vmmconf_1.properties

Windows icon vmman.bat -testconnection -config config\vmmconf_1.properties